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answers shall come soon. just hang in there.
I updated twice since i keep going like a few days without updating.


Missing classes is something I cannot do. I'm up for being the next Valedictorian and having an absent week is not something good for that role. So far, I've only been absent on days where I have doctor appointments or something else that's important -but sick days? Not something I can do. So even if my nose is red and runny, my eyes are dark and swollen from all the crying, my shoulders are sag down from being too heavy and my hair is being a jungle mess -I still push myself to enter that damn school. I didn't even bother picking her up since she didn't bother showing up that awful night.

Parking my car on the lot, I grudgingly strap my backpack on my back and kick the car door open, climbing out with a bit of a struggle as I beep it lock and drag myself inside Nevermore for another long and dreadful day. The noises of teenagers all around the corridor is not something I like for my aching head as I groan, squint my eyes, and huddle to a corner whilst walking forward. As much I don't want to be here, I have to do it for the Valedictorian role. But I also just want to cuddle under my blankets and cry my heart out again.

"Hey Eni-Woah." Ajax gasps, eyes shockingly
wide as he stops right in front of me, my head
leaning against some stranger's locker as I peek
at him through swollen lids. "A-are you okay?" she asks, staring at me in disbelief.

I shake my head, not having enough energy to lie as I push my body away from the metal objects and drag my feet towards gym class with Ajax. He follows behind after a second of staring into space as I accidentally trip on my own two feet and nearly fall on the ground if not for the help of the tall boy.

"Enid, you should go to the clinic." He whispers,
wrapping an arm around my waist as I cough.

No, if I go to the clinic, they're just going to send
me home and I'd be advised to not go to school for a week and just no, I can't have that. "G-Gym." I grunt, clearing my throat from the disgusting sound of my voice.

Ajax frowns at me and opens his mouth to say
something but I hiss and grit my teeth to stop him.

"Just, gym."I huff, lolling my head forward. "Please."

He doesn't say anything else and helps me towards the gymnasium; he opens the door and hastily helps me sit down on one of the bleachers' chair. I clutch my stomach and drop my upper-body on the next chair, balling up to get some rest because my head's a bitch. Ajax unstraps my bag and places it under the chair, patting my head lightly before rushing to Coach Joyce. I can hear his faintly whisper a "She's not feeling well but she doesn't want to go to the clinic" before I'm drifting off to sleep after the whistle blows.

And I nearly laugh in my slumber when I
remember the fact Wednesday's part of my early Gym class. Boy is she going to love seeing me like this, I bet she'd take a picture and send it all over the school's database. That's just like her, she's mean, she's mean-she's mean.

It's so hot and I can feel sweat dripping down my face at the intense heat surrounding me. I curl up some more and ignore the sounds of balls bouncing on the squeaky floor and of girls laughing. I sneeze and bury my head down on my sweater, wanting to cover my face when I feel something soft hit my skin. I open my eyes and meet darkness, realizing a towel is being placed over my face before it's gone and back again but this time, someone's wiping the sweat off of me. It can't be Ajax because I hear he talking to someone so I can only guess who.

Gritting my teeth together, I grab the wrist that's
wiping my face and pull it away, causing the towel to fall on the ground. Immediately, even through my swollen eyes, I see Wednesday's. And I seriously want to punch her right now.

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