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"So it is like some kind of habit of yours?" Yoko
asks me as I bend my straw so it would be facing
me, blushing as I realize she noticed that so

Scratching the back of my head, I nod. "Y-Yeah, my parents do it so I got used to to it 'cuz of them." I reply simply, ducking my head when Yoko grins at me with those shining brown eyes.

"That's cute." She drawls, clucking her tongue. "I
have this habit of playing with my hair whenever Im spacing out-my mom does it all the time." She exaggerates with a big eye roll as I giggle through closed lips.

We just got our drinks when we started talking
again, conversing about anything that would come up to our heads. She'd talk about her experience as a Hawkins transfer student and I'd ask her if she knew Ajax because she was a transferee too. She frowns though, and says that she never heard of a Ajax in her old school but found it funny how a lot are transferring in the school. I agreed easily.

"What made you so interested in me?" I couldn't
help but ask, tilting my head to the side. "I mean- I'm not popular."

Yoko frowns. "Just because you aren't popular
doesn't mean I wont like you." she responds
casually, causing me to blush at her words for being So honest.

Unlike a certain someone that has honesty at the
bottom of her list.

I should probably stop thinking about Wednesday. It's only going to cause problems for me. Especially since she's always in my head lately and I'm having troubles here and there. I also wanted to reply and say that to Wednesday- being popular is the only way for her to like a person but other than that, if you're a loser it's just not allowed in her books.

"So what is it then? The unpopularity?" I try,
leaning forward in mild curiosity.

Yoko grins, shaking her head. "Far from that.
It's actually your eyes." I frown, brain reeling
and processing her words. My eyes? Her eyes arevpractically identical to mine.

"My eyes?" I repeat, unsure.

"Yeah, it caught me by surprise." She laughs,
shaking her head in embarrassment as she blushes hard. "They were just so blue. And it's so pretty than my eyes-and I got so enamored by it."

Well, that's awfully weird. Yoko's is most
definitely a lighter shade of brown than my own
blue orbs. And I can say that brown eyes are pretty too.

Like, if you stare at her it's the only thing that's
going to pop out-her damn brown eyes.

"I'm flattered?" I decided to say, not knowing it
came off as a question as Yoko giggles at me,
thanking the waiter for delivering them their
bucket of breadstix. I smile, telling myself to just
ignore it and reach out for a piece, moaning at the heavenly taste.

They just taste really, really good. "Is this your first time eating here?" I ask, wondering so because Yoko is new to Miami.

She shakes her head, nibbling on a stick. "Ate her with a few cheerleaders on my first day." She tells me with a few hand gestures, grinning from ear to ear as she suddenly pouts, making me frown to as I wonder why she'd be pouting.

"Is something wrong?"

She turns around and looks back at the cashier
counter, waving her hand in the air to signal one of the waiters to come here. One by the bar counter sees us and comes over, a red cap covering half of her face as I notice her clothes aren't exactly the uniform the other waiter's or waitresses' are wearing. The girl with the cap clears her throat and covers most of herself behind the big menu card.

"Yes?" comes her ruffled voice, deep and low that it almost made me think she was a man.

Yoko grins at the girl and points at the menu.
"We ordered over 30 minutes ago, is it okay to
double-check on our food?" she asks politely but I scrunch my nose up when I see the waitress crack her neck to the side, making me cringe when I hear it pop.

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