PART 14(M)

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I roll my eyes at her and feel my lips tugging up
in a half-smile. "Wedns, you were out for like 5

She holds a finger up and scowls at me. "5 minutes is 1 hour to me blue eyes- keep that noted." She huffs, kicking herself off the wall to go inside her closet again, shuffling through some dresses as Ibpick up the white one and hold it over my body, looking down to examine how short it is on me.

"Oh right"she hums, catching my attention as
I stare at her brown orbs. "-you wont have a
problem with that would you?" she asks me, eyes staring down at the white dress.

I tilt my head to the side and scrunch up my nose. "Problem with what?"

"Y'know--your dick." She says bluntly, laughing at my red face. "All my dresses are tight and nobodybwants to see a bulging penis on a woman in a fucking dress."

I blush at how weird that sounds on her lips and
tuck my blonde hair shyly. "I wear this uh shorts
that compresses my uhm you know, member.
It doesn't show but--but when I" I blush, not
knowing why I'm so embarrassed saying this. "but when I like dance on someone, that's like the only time a person will notice it." I end, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Wednesday gives me an amused look before
smirking smugly at me. "Like when I humped on your lap?" she joked, chuckling as my eyes go wide at her words.

Nodding slowly, I say, "Yeah. Something like that." She laughs again and shakes her head at me. "Funny, make sure no one grinds on you tonight then." And with that said, she slams the door of her walk-in-closet and shouts to "change already" from the other side.

Shrugging my shoulders to remove my bag's straps, I walk to the middle of the room and began to strip out of my clothes.

This is going to be an interesting night.

The music's everywhere. Like literally, everywhere. If you look to your left, you'll see 5 speakers blasting to the remix of Animals and if you look to the right, you'll see around 3 blasting the same tune then even when you look up there's about a few small round speakers pumping to a different tune, thus, making this whole mansion that was once empty and elegant now a monstrous disaster of half-naked college students getting it on and dancing and grinding and drinking and just- okay, you get what I mean. And right now, I'm just swaying to the beat while waiting for Wednesday who offered to get a new set of drinks for us.

Which was very sweet of her, might I add. The
white dress of Wednesday is hugging me way too tightly, I can say so because a while ago while I was bending down to fix my heels, I almost popped the zipper.

Embarrassing right? And because of that I'm stuck dancing in a restricted manner.

"You look like Brad Simpson when you dance."
Came a voice, chuckling behind me as I smile and turn to face Wednesday who's drunk already.

"Its your dress." I complain, pouting deeply as I
gratefully accept the red solo cup on her right hand. I chug it down and throw the cup away from me as soon as I finish it and giggle as I watch Wednesday's jaw drop. Rolling my eyes at her, I wrap my arms around her neck and sigh, bringing her close to me.

"Isn't this amazing?"I ask her, connecting our
foreheads together.

Wednesday hums and grips my waist tightly. "What is?" she asks me, blowing out hot air as it hits my lips.

I bite my lower lip and try to contain my lips
from moaning at her presence. It was too hot. "Us. Dancing together." I point out, blushing slightly at my forwardness. "Without you getting worried about someone seeing us together." I add, gulping because I'm confessing things I shouldn't be telling her.

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