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"You came." Wednesday gasps, opening her front door with wide eyes as I tuck a lose strand of hair behind my ear, rubbing my palms together to heat them up from this cold night.

Her jaw is slack and she has this astonished look in her face as she continues to stare at me. "I-I didn't think you'd actually come, blue ey--"

I put a finger up and nibble on my lower lip, taking all the breathe that I could muster inside my lungs to make me strong enough for what I'm about to do or rather say to Wednesday tonight. "I didn't come here to be your fuck buddy." I managed to say, feeling my legs wobble as Wednesday stares back at me.

"I--I mean yes, the offer still stands but I want to
talk about the rules, we need to talk about it-and
-and change some and add some." I muttered, lips quivering as I close my eyes to calm myself down.

Wednesday drops her shoulder and chuckles. "Oh?" she replies, humming. "Okay then, I'm cool with that." she adds, nodding her head as she opens the door wider for me.

Before I take a step forward, I stop and make her look at me again, my face stoic. "This doesn't mean I forgive you, you know." I tell her, arching an eyebrow as she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms together.

"Damn, want me to write it on the sky with the jet, blue ey--"

I pucker my lips in frustration and frown. " Please don't call me that." I whisper, walking past her and further inside her house as Wednesday closes it and locks the door.

"What? Don't like it?" she jokes, following close
behind me as I stop by her living room, examining the place since this is the second -or was it third?-time I've been here.

Shaking my head, I narrow my eyes on her. "Not
really. I'm not stupid you know." I retort, watching her adjust the ends of her tank-top. And it's true, I'm on the run to being the Valedictorian of the school and also part of the newspaper committee so I knoW a lot of things going around the world.

Wednesday snorts and smirks at me, amused. "Is
that it? You think I call you blue eyes 'cuz you
think you're stupid? Ha, that's not the reason at

My eyes widen and I feel my eyebrows quirking at the confession. "Wait, that's not why you call me blue eyes? I ask again, confused.

She clucks her tongue and rolls her eyes at me.
"Yes, need me to repeat it five more times?" she
growls, scowling at me as I frown deeply at her.

She's back to being mean again. Realizing this, her eyes soften and she grunts. "Ugh, sorry-I'm getting there okay?
"So -why blue eyes then?" I ask her, curious to
know how I got the nickname.

Wednesday's eyes widen and she shakes her head furiously. "Hell to the no, chica. I ain't telling you why."

I hold back a giggle as I lean back on her couch
that's facing away from us. "Why? It is my
nickname. I want to know." I say, smiling slightly as she scowls at me.

"This isn't why you're here, blue eyes. Change
the subject." She hisses, crossing her arms, keeping her stance as I sigh and decide to not push further on that small dilemma, I'll get it out of her one day.

I round the couch and sit down, peeking back at
Wednesday as she follows me and sits on her other couch. I duck down and slide out the rules list she made the day we agreed to the deal. Breathing in and out, I place it gently on the wooden table and click her pen open.

"We--We need to change a few things." I ramble,
reading the rules over again to get myself familiar as Wednesday crosses her leg over the other and frowns, bored.

"Okay " she drawls, licking her lips. " What're
you going to add?" she asks, sighing.

I tap the pen to my chin and wrote down a couple of things, not missing the way Wednesday pretends to not be interested as she glances at the paper, trying to read whatever it is I'm writing. I laugh to myself at how obvious she is and play along as I cup my free hand and cover it from her eyes. She doesn't seem too happy about that and a groan comes out as a sign enough.

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