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4 years later.

"Can you move that to the left? Yeah, awesome."I smiled at the big men carrying my new sofa inside of the living room of our apartment, flashing them a wink as they blush and scratch the back of their necks shyly. Oh, it's good to not be my wimpy, loser self anymore.

"D-Do you need any more help, Ms. Sinclair?" one of them asks with a flirty grin, purposely buffing his arm muscles asI try not to roll my eyes. Maybe if I didn't have a penis and liked men I'd consider dating one of them.

I bite my lower lip and shake my head. "No, that's all the stuff, thanks so much guys." I giggle, waving cutely as they twinkle their eyes at me. I swear, if I knew I had this much power in high school, I'd let the jocks bow down at my feet. Because, hello? These men are big, handsome but scruffy on the chin, tall and muscular-yet they think I'm the hot stuff? That's crazy. If only old Enid can see me now.

The make their way out as I bring my hair up into a messy bun, and smile, clapping my hands together in delight as I admire the new couch Divina and I purchased for our apartment. "Divina's gonna love this." I beam, bouncing on my toes when the said person grumpily walks inside the house and frowns at me.

"Enid, if those three men that just left our apartment had a foursome with you, I'm going to start talking about the fact you have a pe-"

I blush and furiously shake my head, sticking my tongue out in disgust. "Oh gross, Soo no, god, I'm strictly lesbian." I say, holding my hands up as I waggle my neatly cut fingernails that Divina smirks at.

She laughs and drops her bag on the side. "Im just joking, I saw their uniforms." She hums, flicking her hair to the side. "Is that the couch we bought the other day?" she asks, smiling widely because yeah, this is a pretty awesome cushion.

"Yup," I say, giggling lightly when I start to pout at her. "This is all your fault anyways." I huff, crossing my arms together as I arch an eyebrow at Divina. "We could've saved the money for this couch for something else even if, I wanted it too."

Divina chuckles and walks past me, going for the fridge in our open place. "How many times do I have to apologize for breaking our old, un-comfy couch because I had sex with Keth on it?"

I scrunch my face up in disgust. "Probably a million more times," I tease, stepping close to her as I chew on my lower lip. "How was work?"

She hums and leans back, taking a swig of water
and sighs, wiping some drops out of her chin. "It
was fine, I'm getting there." She replies, smiling at me briefly before she walks towards her room.

A lot has changed after we graduated college at
NYC a few months ago, Divina's starting her part in her law thing-y she does and I'm just about to start my own job as soon as I find a good place to start. I studied Medical Science during my first two college years, but transferred to Zoology because I'm sure it's my calling in life. I already got this work in a Veterinarian Clinic down the street and they need someone fresh and young to make it popular again. It's not something I'd say my parents would be proud of to see, because they wanted me to be a surgeon, but they're still proud and I'm doing what I love.

"Yeah? That's cool, Barbara called the other day, and I'm starting next week!" I squeal at the brunette, jumping around like a child because I'm just so happy and excited.

Divina grins widely and opens her arms for a hug, which I immediately comply with, squeezing her tightly. "Ugh-let me breathe, Enid." She groans and I giggle as I let go of her, waggling my eyebrows. "So proud of you, you're going to rock those animal cages." She jokes, earning an eye roll from me.

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