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In the original fic, Max's character is male so that's why some things may seem weird. i just changed all the he/him pronouns to she/her to fit Max but sometimes it sounds weird so please just bare with it!

"You and mom dad think you're both so sneaky."
My dad says as he enters the kitchen, his boots
clinking against the cold tires as I peer up at him
through my book.

Confused, I close the text and stare at him. "Sorry?" I ask, wondering what he meant.

She rolls his eyes, crosses his arms together and
frowns at me. "Wednesday and her gifts? Really?"

I gulp and avoid his eyes, nibbling on my lower lip nervously as I play with the spine of my History book. He wasn't supposed to find out. "I couldn't just throw it away." I try reasoning, sighing when my dad shakes his head at me in disappointment. "If it makes you feel any better, she only gave me two things and that's it."

He leans back on the sink and narrows his eyes
on me. "What would make me feel better is if you'd not have any kind of interaction with her at all." He corrects me, pointing a finger.

"Just wait for y'our mom, she's going to hear it from me so bad." He grunts, sticking his tongue out at me as I chuckle.

"She ain't getting no dick from me either."

I throw my hands up to cover my ears as I slide out of the stool and walk away from him, groaning. "Oh god, I didn't have to hear that." I whine, peeking back at him as he laughs.

I'm just about to reach the staircase when the
doorbell rings. My eyebrows furrow together as I take a step towards it before my dad's skidding
out of the kitchen, pointing a finger at me to stop.

My lips crack into an amusing smile as I watch him eye me with caution.

"Don't even think about getting near that door." He hisses, making me laugh.

I cock my hip to the side and grin. "Okay, and who is going to open the door?" I ask in my humming voice, twirling a lock of hair in between my fingers.

He shrugs his shoulders, smirking. "Leave it." He
smoothly replies, causing my jaw to drop.

"You cannot be serious." I say, narrowing my eyes on him.

He taps his chin and nods again. "Yup, I'm dead
serious, no one's opening the door-" he clucks his tongue and walks near the stairs, craning his head to the side as he screams, "-as in no one, Esther, if you go out and you stay out."

I can almost imagine my mom hopelessly close the master bedroom's door and sulk to her bed. Mom grew to like seeing Wednesday doing these sweet gestures to me, she thinks it's amusing and she understands where he's coming from because she used to do that when Dad was pissed at hee. So in other words, she's helping the sad wolf.

Dad brings his attention back to me and holds
his hips in a highly manner. "You heard me, Enid, if someone opens that damn door you know what's coming." He taunts with a perfectly raised eyebrow, daring me to move as he walks back inside the kitchen and turns on the stove.

I roll my eyes and take one step on the stairs, biting my lower lip nervously as I stare at the closed front door. Grunting, I mentally slap myself and walk the whole way up to my room, locking it shut as I jump on my bed.

Flicking through my messages on my phone, I
suddenly stop at the inbox I have of Wednesday and I. Her last text to me was during that awful night; well the last text came from me but still whatever. I growl and grit my teeth together, exiting the app as I scroll through my photos, scowling when I realize most of them are of Wednesday or Wednesday and I together.

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