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Sounds of lockers opening and closing catches my attention as I slowly walk up to Enid who's packing her things away, ready to leave this school since it's dismissal.

Taking a deep breath, I tap her lightly on the
shoulder and feel her tense.

"Hello Enid." I greet her formally, straightening
my Cheer's skirt as I planta smile on my face; a
smile that not most people would see but, she still has her back facing me. Knowing this would
have happened, I skip to her front and smile again but she turns at the last minute and I'm back to staring at her sweater.

I gulp and realize I won't be seeing her face today. "Will you please hear me out?" I whisper, tucking a loose strand of hair as I watch the hallways slowly emptying. "Please?"

She shakes her head and starts to walk, slamming her locker shut as I cringe at the sound while following her tiny steps -damn her legs can wallk.

I rush to her side and grab her wrist, twisting her around as her face goes blank and expressionless again. Her eyebrows arch and I feel my legs losing its balance as I stare into her blue eyes. "Baby-Enid-I want to say I'm sorry, I didn't-"

She shrugs her shoulder up and sighs loudly,
interrupting my words. "Is that all?" she
monotones, flicking her hair to the side.

I narrow my eyes on her and bite my lower lip. "I–I didn't even say anything yet-" I force out a laugh, tilting my head to the side as she brings up her hand to scratch her cheek.

And fuck, do I actually think it's adorable?

"Okay you said something now, so can I go?" she
points back, to the direction of the parking lot as
she doesn't bother to wait for me and swivels on
the balls of her feet, strutting to the door as I block her way again, my arms out to the handles.

I take a deep breath. "No, that's not what I was
going to say Enid-"

She laughs and shakes her head. "I'm surprised
you're not calling me blue eyes anymore."

Frowning, I scrunch my nose up. "I thought you
didn't like being called B-"

"And you didn't think that when I asked you to call me Enid the first time?" she dumps it in, mouth curling into a scowl.

"Great Wednesday, great." She drawls, clucking her tongue as she walks past me and outside the doors before I'm walking beside her to her car, struggling to keep up.

"Can you just stop and listen?" I scream, because
the wind is creating a lot of noise outside in the
parking lot and I think winter's about to turn up

She opens the back seat of her car and throws her stuff inside, completely ignoring me as I fight back the painful stabs hitting my heart at her actions. I stop by her door before it closes and lean in, locking my eyes with hers. She snaps and her face hollows.

"Can you just leave me alone?" she bites back,
flicking my hand away as she closes the driver's
door shut, revving up the engine as I knock on her window continuously.

Damn, Im pathetic.

She doesn't roll her window down and ignores me as she moves her car back and positions it to the right, about to step on the pedal as I jump forward-in front of her car, and hold a hand up, making
her stop.

Damn it, I'm crazy.

"What the hell is your problem Wednesday?" Enid shrieks from inside her car as she puts down her window and pops her head out with a hard glare.

"You want to get killed or something?"

I shake my head and place my hands on top of the bonnet of her car, taking a deep breath. "I didnt tell them about the bet being true because I knew they'd torture you about it." I blurt out in one shot, knowing if I kept asking her to listen to me, she wouldn't. Enid's eyes narrow on me and she scoffs, retreating her car back again as my hands slip from the metal bunk. I fix my footing and try to do that crazy thing where I jump in front of her car but she's smart enough to know what I'm about to do, and drives off before my small legs could make it.

Groaning, I drop my hands and curse for about
the millionth time today, banging my head with
the use of my closed fists as a familiar car drives
up beside me. I frown and open the passenger's
seat, climbing in helplessly as I turn to Divina who has shades on, but I'm pretty sure beneath those dark rimmed glasses is a pitied look.

"What?" I hiss, slamming my hands on top of my
thighs in frustration.

She shakes her head at me and frowns. "You're
kind of bad at this whole sorry stuff, huh?" she
points out the obvious, tapping her chin while a
sarcastic laugh comes out of her lips. "Like 've
honestly haven't seen anyone who would jump in front of a car to make the person listen. You've got to have balls."

I scowl at her and lean back, burying myself deeper into the leather seat. "Just drive, Divina don't even talk just drive." I hiss, shaking my head as I watch the objects pass by the window with feigned interest. Divina chuckles by my side and turns to another corner which is not the direction to Enid's house.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I spin to her and growl.

"Where are we going? The plan was to go to Eni-"

"-and knock on her door a million times with
a bunch of 'sorry's' until she forgives you?" she
guesses, making me flush in an annoying manner because she has some sort of psychic sense. Divina chuckles. "It's cute at first Wedns-I'd be just as smitten but I think she's fed up with it."

"Oh? How do you know that? Div-"

"I don't have to know, I just feel it." She shrugs off, zooming past another fork as I stomp my foot down and bang my fists together, so clearly irritated for all the interruptions I've been having when I start to open my mouth.

"You're getting on my nerves, Divina."

"Good, because we're going to the grocery."
She hums, entering the local parking lot as my
eyebrows quirk up, mouth frowning.

I shuffle in my seat and unbuckle when Divina does so. "Grocery?" I grunt, crossing my arms together.

"What are we having? A picnic? I need to go to
Enid's house and apologize, now." I demand to her, pointing at my chest.

Divina frowns. "You really suck at this." She sighs, pity for me again. "You're lucky to have me because first of all you cant just talk and not give something to ease the anger that's sizzling inside Enid's chest. We're going to buy some sweets and flowers, is that okay for you?" she coos in a teasing manner as I slap her hand away from me, clucking my tongue.

"Fuck you Divina." I say whilst climbing out of the vehicle as she shrugs her shoulders at me.

"Wedns, you'll be thanking me later."

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