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The room to my door opens as I unplug my
earphones and lean back, smiling sweetly at my
mother as she brings in a couple of oreos, milk and cereal.

"Hey sweet cheeks." She husks, winking at me
while kicking the door close with her boot, placing the tray of goodness on my side desk as I spin on my seat and stand up.

Leaning in for a quick peck on her cheek as a
greeting, I snatch an oreo and nibble on it while
watching my mom grab a piece of her own.

"Wednesday's coming over." I mumble through
chewing teeth.

Her eyebrows quirk up and she smirks smugly at me as I roll my eyes. "Oh?" she chuckles, rubbing her cheek. "The smoking hot Latina?" she asks for confirmation as I try to hide my blush away from her which fails due to my pale skin.

"In about 10 minutes or so, she'l be knocking." I
ignore her last statement, whisking through my
room to dump trash away because even if we're on weird terms, I still don't like it when guests see my room all dirty and messed up.

My mom giggles and leans to hold on to the
doorknob, shrugging her shoulders up. "Well, I
think she's early today." She hums, making me twist my neck to her to ask what she meant when all of a sudden she opens the door revealing Wednesday, wearing casual clothes, hair neatly combed down.

It never blows me away how beautiful Wednesday is.

"I'Il leave you two be darling's." she teases, pulling Wednesday further inside the room as she skips out  and waves a final time before disappearing into the halls of our home.

There's a bit of an awkward silence as I nibble on my lower lip and gesture for her to close the door which-after a minute or two, she does so-the only noise in the room being the closing sound.

Tapping my foot, I smile weakly at her. "Hi."I greet her, not wanting to make this awkward since I'm actually going to tutor her in a few minutes.

She clucks her tongue and returns the smile, a bit terrified though. "Hey, uhm sorry I'm early, I came by Pugsley's and decided 10 minutes was too long to wait." She rants, shrugging her duffel bag off as she bends down to bring out the books needed for the test, cradling it on her arms.

Laughing, I try to keep my face stoic because yeah, we're still in weird terms but damn it, Wednesday's too adorable when she's shy. She should be a mean person again so I don't have to keep on laughing and be cold to her instead.

"It's okay-" I drawl, licking my lips as I walk closer to her, brushing my hair behind my ear as I read the titles on the cover of her books, realizing they looked familiar. "-Better early than on time right?'" I joke, trying to bring some good vibes into this because I don't like teaching people when I'm sad or mad.

Wednesday half-grins and pokes out her tongue
to wet her dry lips. "It's actually better late than
never, Enid." She corrects me, leaning on her right leg.

It amuses me ever since she started calling me by my name, sometimes I'd think it wasn't actually real but most times, I get happier with her noticing me in a different way instead of as her prey.

"I know." I reply, tugging my lips up into a smile. "Is it alright with you if we study on the floor? I don't have any extra chairs." I motioned to my working desk where only one chair was tucked in, it wasn't like I was going to offer it to her and teach her by standing up that'd make me tired. Plus, it was more fine getting cozy on the cold tiles of my room.

She nods her head. "Whatever suits you." her
eyes go to the walls of my room, examining each
spot like she's trying to memorize them as I go to crouch down when suddenly, I look out to my glass windows that lead to my balcony and smirk. "Is that you and your dad?" she asks me, pointing to a picture where I was riding my dad's favorite horse.

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