PART 43(M)

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double update bc i know you guys would've been crying if i left the last one where it did without another update lol _________________________________________________

She doesn't bother removing her panties as she
unzips her top and brings it over her head, leaving her only in her black sports bra and black panties.

She lets go of her ponytail and faces me with a
smirk. "Are you just going to stay drooling or join me in the pool?" she nudges her head back to the clear waters before spinning on the balls of her  feet and diving in. It's probably 4 feet, enough for Wednesday to stand with her upper chest to head exposed.

I shake my head furiously and rip out my nice
sweater as I unbuckle my jeans and push it down my legs, kicking it off my feet as I'm left with only my black compression shorts and bright red bra. I blush upon realizing I wore the lacy ones as my hair falls past my shoulders. Wednesday blows a whistle and my blush deepens if possible.

"Hot mama." She jokes, shouting it out as I roll my eyes at her. Come to think of it, most of our sexual encounters have been all about the pleasure and sex sex sex that we never got to do it slowly, like see our bodies and everything. Well except for the bathroom one, we were kind of into it. But this seems more couple-y, it's like we own this house, we live together and-damn, don't think so far ahead.

I narrow my eyes at her, crossing my arms together to hide the abs she's been leering at. "Are you seriously thinking about my dad when we're about to uh-uhm-do it?" I stammer to the last bit of my sentence, nibbling on my lower lip when Wednesday throws her head back and laughs.

"Oh god, your dad just keeps popping up, can't be helped-he's got nice-"

I hold a finger up and groan. "Please don't finish
that sentence." I whine, dipping myself into the
pool as Wednesday swims to me by the edge,
trapping me in the corner with beautiful damp
hair. She leans in and connects our foreheads

"Just saying." She shrugs off, making me laugh as I connect our lips together. Wednesday hums into my mouth and circles my neck, making my hands float down to her waist as I massage smooth skin under the pool.

We kiss hard and soft, and I'm sucking her lower
lip into my mouth as she breaks free and winks at me with a glint in her eyes, tan hands caressing my skin down until it reaches the hem of my shorts. She leans in and nibbles on my earlobe. "We don't have much time for making out." She husks, using one hand to openly stretch my shorts as I shiver and take a peek, moaning when I see her free hand slip inside and grab my hard cock, massaging the tip with pre-cum oozing out.

"Fuck." I curse, bucking my hips into her hand as she giggles and leaves trails of kisses on my neck, my head lolling to the back as I support myself with the ledge.

"It's kinda hard in the pool." She whines, face
scrunching up in frustration whilst she pushes
away a bit to look down, pumping her fist as fast as she can but ends up going slowly due to the water's weight. Wednesday huffs and it makes me giggle how cute she wants to fuck my dick. I lick my lips and surprise her by lifting her up and out of the pool, making her sit on the ledge as she squeals. "Woah, Enid!" she laughs, only half of her legs inside the pool as I stretch them open and stay in between her toned legs.

She smiles down at me and plays with my wet
black hair. "And what are you planning to do?" she asks, smirking smugly at me.

I grin back at her and push her abs softly. She gets the signal and lies down flat, bringing her head up a bit to watch as I hook my fingers under the waistband of her panties and bring it down, licking my lips when my eyes meet wet, dripping pussy.

"Oh god." Wednesday moans, throwing her head
back and hissing when it slightly hits the marble
floor, shielding her hot face with her arm to calm herself down. "Fuck Enid."

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