PART 60 (M)

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And you know what?

That dare did come true.

It's been 7 glorious years and I'm married to the
most amazing and beautiful woman I have ever
seen, my bully.

A year after our fateful reunion, I decided to
transfer my work to London and work alongside Alex instead, because one, it brought me even closer to Wednesday and we didn't have to deal with a long distance relationship, two, I get to be proposed too as soon as she knelt down on one knee in front of people inside LHR airport after I decided to move to her after 6 months settling in New York with certain things and lastly, three, well, I'm able to start a new chapter of my life with Wednesday, a chapter that doesn't really have an end on the pages of our book.

Everything else just went by smoothly, surprisingly. Being with Wednesday just made me forget about all stresses in life and move on.

Like right now, I've just had an argument with
Alex regarding the baby tiger we've been
treating on the past couple of months and Im
frustrated because he seriously wants to just
open the cub up and further examine him, but I
explained to him again that no, I did not sign up for that. Sometimes, I try to tell myself I should've just asked Wednesday to move in with me in New York where I can work with sweet, sensitive and 0CD Barbara. Plus, Divina and Keth were there too and I really wanted to introduce her to since he was Divina's husband.

Going back, I'm opening the door and kicking my sneakers off me when I smell the amazing food she's probably cooking for dinner. I smile brightly and bounce my way towards the kitchen.

"Smells amazing." I say in greeting, leaning against the open door frame as I smirk at Wednesday 's plump butt poking out of the apron. How dare she cook naked? Doesn't she know a little someone can be walking around at this time of the day? Oh wait, I forgot, she's at school right now.

Wednesday twists her neck back and smiles at me, waving her metal spatula cutely as I giggle and saunter my way over to her, dropping my bag on the counter. I wrap my arms lovingly around her waist and kiss her softly on the lips despite how awkward our position is.

My wife scrunches her nose and licks her lips,
resting her head back on my shoulder. "But I stink of sweat." She replies, pouting her lips.

I chuckle and roll my eyes playfully, though she
cannot really see me. "Im talking about the food,
silly." I tease her, nuzzling my nose against the
crook of her neck as Wednesday let's out a melodic giggle.

"I know, I was just messing with you Enid."

She turns around and circles her arms around my neck, pulling us back so that she'd rest against the stove as we continue to just stare at each other's eyes passionately. I will never, ever get tired of admiring Wednesday. No matter what she may say about me 'one day losing that stare, I don't ever see myself stopping my appreciation for her beauty.

"So," I hum, curling my lips up into a grin. "You're home pretty early."

Wednesday nods and twirls a few locks of my blonde hair with her finger. "The company wanted a break today, so I got a call saying not to go there anymore." She explains, sighing deeply as she leans forward and plants a kiss to my mouth just because she wants to.

"And what reason might you have for being
naked?" I ask, arching a perfectly manicured
eyebrow as I try to withhold my smirk.

She slaps my arm and lightly pushes my shoulders, causing me to step back and watch her lift the cover of the pan and continue her cooking. "Im not naked." She replies, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

I roll my eyes at her and smack her butt playfully, loving the squeak that escapes her lips. "Wearing a small apron on your naked ass is naked to me sweetie."

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