PART 22(M)

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"Chrissy, next time-hit it with your palms not your boobs." Screamed Yoko as she moves the girl to another position, shaking her head as Vickie hands her the ball again.

Wednesday comes back to being in front of me and flashes me a smug face. "Can't wait to beat you and your girlfriend's ass Br-"

"Wednesday!" someone screams, catching us both off guard as the ball comes zooming towards Wednesday's face, her eyes wide as sweat drips down the corner of her face as I too stand frozen when all of a sudden Wednesday jumps back and throws her hands up to defend herself well mostly her facemaking the ball bounce right in front of her, winning us a point.

Wednesday's eyes are wide and blank, Yoko all
about jumps on me from behind and swings her
arm around like I'm some sort of bull yet I'm still frozen-holding in my laughters because damn, that was priceless.

"What the heck happened to you Wednesday?"
screamed Divina, all frustrated and annoyed as
Wednesday glares back at Divina, crossing her arms together irritably.

See what I mean? She doesn't like being wrong.
Never will she admit to herself that's she's wrong nor say sorry-except for me which I'm really awed about.

"You didn't tell me it started Divina." She barks
back, walking away to grab the ball from Coach
Joyce, earning a confused look from Divina and from me but that's only because I'm wondering why Wednesday's mad at Divina if she has a crush on her.

"We're going to switch D." she says in a loud voice, dribbling the ball a couple of times as she takes position in the starting line.

Divina drops her hands and gives up, taking the place where Wednesday was once standing. giving me a quick glance before looking away and squatting down a bit. I do the same and peek behind me, smiling as Yoko gives me the thumbs up and a wink.

She's so weird.

The whistle blows and before I know it- and
before Yoko knows it more even-the ball's quick
and fast approaching her and hits her square on
the face, the impact was so hard that it sent Yoko
flying backwards, landing on the ground in a hard thud with her back down; she skids away from the court and the ball's light bouncing noise is the only sound we can hear besides Yoko's groans of pain-and-well-

"Yes! Score for Addams!" Wednesday cheers, fist
bumping the air as she continues to jump around the court and repeatedly saying "Score for Addams" as we all stare at her, dumbfounded, then go back to Yoko whơ's whining in pain.

There's an eerie silence as Wednesday laughs and goes to Coach Joyce, slapping her in the back smugly. "How was that Coach? Guess I fit in the volleyball team huh?" she brags, throwing her hands in the air while doing this weird dance using her elbow.

"Fu-uck." Yoko groans, kicking her feet a couple of times to let out the frustration as I snap out of my thoughts and rush to her side, cupping her face as I nervously think of what I'm going to do next. "Shit." She whimpers, covering her right eye as tears begin to form.

With my movements and actions, suddenly
everyone's making a circle around Yoko and I,
kneeling forward or peeking in to see the fresh
bruise but she's covering it well and I'm pretty sure she got hit really bad and that her eye's going to get a black color.

"Is it still aching?" I ask softly, brushing my
fingers against her cheek as she clenches her fist
tightly. Nodding, she groans. "Fuck that hurts." She whimpers, kicking her feet a couple of times. "I think my eye just went inside my face." She adds, shaking her head a couple of times as I scrunch my face up at the image.

"Aw quit it will you bitch-face?" Wednesday bites back, crossing her arms together. "I didn't hit you that hard." She mumbles, smirking knowingly.

Yoko sits up abruptly and points at Wednesday's
face. "You bitch!" she screams, biting her lower lip. "That was on purpose!"

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