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"So what do I owe the pleasure of you standing
outside my porch again?" Asks my half-brother
Pugsley as I play with the straps of my duffel bag, rolling my eyes at him as he doesn't let me in immediately.

Licking my lips, I cock my hip to the side and
nudge my chin to him. "Nice to see you too Pugsley." I reply shortly, already moving forward to enter my own self inside my old house. Pugsley backs away and closes the door, watching me as I drop my bag to the ground and turn around to face him again. "I need to talk to you."

Arching an eyebrow, he hums, crossing his arms
together. "Is this about your fake girlfriend again?"

Body jerking, I snap my head to my brother and
flash him a glare. "What?" I hiss, gritting my teeth together.

Pugsley rolls his eyes and chuckles, telling me like it was an obvious fact that I should know by now. "Oh don't play games with me Wedns, ever since you brought her to my party-every time you visit, you just talk about her."

I hold a finger up and frown. "I don't always talk
about her." I huff, shaking my head. "I only visited once after that night that doesn't count as always." I explain further, leaning back on one of the couches. "Besides, I need advice for something."

Pugsley shrugs his shoulders and puts his hand out, gesturing me to go on and spill it. "Well?"

Sighing, I let out a breath I didn't know I was
holding and scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"There's something wrong with me." I mutter,
biting my lower lip as Pugsley arches an eyebrow at me.

"There's always been something wrong with you
"he jokes, stopping his laugh as he catches my
hard scowl. "-I'm joking, calm down."

Shaking my head, I pinch my arm and shuffle my feet together, completely frustrated at what I've been discovering about myself lately. It's freaking annoying-this doesn't-shouldn't happen to me.

Especially someone like me who's mean, a bitch,
snob and every bad adjective you can say.

"Wedns? Are you okay?" Pugsley asks me, eyes that are dark like mine's turning into a darker shade of black as he walks to me slowly with caution as if knowing that one wrong move can break me. And maybe it will, maybe it wont I don't know because I don't do feelings.

"No. I don't think I am." I admit honestly, tugging on my pony in frustration as I walk around the clean tiles like Im mad-which I probably am. "Im not okay and there's something definitely wrong with me." I huff, chomping down on my lower lip hard enough to relieve the frustration.

"And why? What's bothering you?" he asks me,
and before I know it he's already right in front
of me, rubbing my shoulders up and down in
a soothing manner. "You can tell me anything,

And yes, he knows that. My brother knows that
because he's the one and only sole person who
would understand me that would get my shit
because I've never had any parents to do that for me because they're too busy being in love to notice the little things, like me when I was a baby.

"I know." I nod, clenching my fists. "I know and
that's why Im here." I grunt, shaking my head after because this is unreal, this only happens in movies and fictional kind of things-but not in the real world, not in the world where I'm stuck.

"Is it your grades?" Pugsley asks me, guessing with a slight frown. "Because that's impossible, I've taught you everything I kno-"

Chuckling darkly, I roll my eyes. "No. Not grades-- it's actually about Blue eyes." I mumble, cursing at myself for still using that absurd nickname that she hates so much.

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