PART 57 (M)

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"And she has a really nice voice too."

I nod my head, probably for the hundredth time
as Heather starts to list out a bunch of things
Wednesday is amazing at. She has this sickly sweet smile on her face and whenever she starts with a new one, she'd look at me dead in the eye and I'd start to wonder once again how I did not see the anger flash in them last time.

"Plus, there was this one time," she says, scrunching her nose up in a supposed cute way. "We went out to see the fireworks inside London Eye on the night Kate Middleton gave birth to Prince George, and it was so romantic because it was pure timing." She twirls her hair mockingly at me and I continue to grin at her, almost like I didn't know what she was trying to do.

"That all seems like great stories." I reply,
chuckling a bit for added measure as I step across the backroom she led me to about an hour ago, watching as she feeds the next two chicks for the 20th time. "And I'd love to hear more, but Alex is waiting for me." I sigh, faking sadness before averting my gaze to the two chicks. "And the birds."

Heather nods and hands the cage over to me,
winking after a second. "Don't go breaking their
hearts." She jokes, but I cringe at the way her eyes glower at me.

"Wouldn't try." I say, not bothering to wait a minute more as I dash out of the room and nearly knock over Jax as he brushes Leo's fur. "F-Sorry Jax, I didn't see." I apologize, scratching the back of Leo's neck as I wave goodbye at them before it's too late.

But fuck, I couldn't make it.

"Oh Enid!" Heather squeaks, causing me to groan and swivel on the balls of my feet to face her. She's bouncing on her toes and her hair is swishing from side to side. "Can I tell you one last story?" she asks with a pout, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

I gulp inwardly and shrug my shoulders. "Go
ahead," I force myself to say, my emotions all over the place as she steps closer to me and pats my cheek fondly.

"Well, last Christmas-Wednesday and I-"

The doorbell rings and we both turn our attentions towards the sound, my lips twitching into a big smile as I see Wednesday strut inside the shop with a smirk on her face. She looks so sexy in a tight white V-neck and simple jeans. I'm about to just pounce on her when Heather interrupts.

"Hello babe-"

Wednesday leans forward and kisses me lightly on the lips, causing giggles to erupt from my mouth as she nuzzles our noses together. She licks my lower lip a final time and steps back. "Hey Enid."

I can practically feel Heather's jaw on the ground.

"We-We-Wednesday" She hisses and I wonder
where her happy-go-lucky attitude just went. She crosses her arms together and pinches Wednesday 's cheek, pulling her to the side as Wednesday whines helplessly. "What the hell was that?" she growls, pointing a finger at me in disgust. "Did you just kiss your mortal enemy?"

Wednesday smacks her hand away and cups her
cheek, scowling at the woman. "That hurt." She
snarls back, caressing her skin. "And yes, I kissed Enid, but no-not my mortal enemy." Heather clucks her tongue and glares at the cat that paws at her shoes, causing the poor feline to cower away into Jax's arms.

Wow, she was totally a different person now. I'd
think she had two souls.

"Are you kidding me? For months you've been
crying non-stop about this woman and now you're just gonna kiss her like she didn't do anything to hurt you?"

Wow. She had no boundaries either, and I know
I've done some stupid things. But shit, hearing it
from a complete stranger seemed more worse than I thought. I nervously rub my right arm and walk away just like the cat did, into the far opposite side of the room when Wednesday sees this and immediately walks next to me, grabbing my fingers and intertwining them with hers.

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