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Sorry for the late update. I was mentally unstable. Btw thanks for the support love y'all<3

"Ajax, you better answer this phone." I growl
to the ringing sound against my ear as I walk
through the subway grounds of London with a
frown on my face.

After the 5th ring, he finally picks up. "Enid, thank god you called I was trying to-"

"Why is Wednesday here?" I cut him off, crossing my arms together as I repeatedly tap my foot on the silver floor, glancing at the clock from time to time to check what time my train would pass by. "And don't tell me you don't know she's here because I have a feeling you know."

Ajax gulps. "W-What? I haven't heard from
Wednesday in years."

I shake my head and pout, not believing this boy
would betray me for the woman I've been having problems with since high school.

"You're seriously going to lie to me?"

"Well, I'm not exactly lying because I really haven't spoken to her in a long time but Max has." He confesses, clearing his throat. "Max has for years, actually."

My jaw drops at this revelation. It all connects now, how could I be so dumb not to realize this? Max just went to London weeks ago and after seeing Wednesday yesterday, I should've known her and Wednesday were in some kind of relation! But why them? They couldn't stand each other.

But shit, they both went to LA after high school,
could they have patched things up?

"What are you talking about?" I ask, huffing loudly as the train rolls by and opens the doors, I casually wait for all of them to walk out before I head in and immediately sit down on an empty chair.

"Please don't get mad at me but I promised Max,
Enid." She whines, andljust have to roll my eyes.
"She's-She's in London to help Wednesday out." She starts off, and I can feel him hesitating to answer my hidden questions because of his faithfulness to Max, but what's wrong with me to know? I deserve to know.

"Help her out with what-oh my god." I gasp, and
quite loudly too if the kid beside me didn't just
jump out of his chair in shock. I cover my mouth
and nearly bite my tongue hard. "The-The place
Wednesday transferred to after LA was-"

"London." Ajax answers for me, humming and
I can see him nodding. "Yes, that's the place."

I slap my forehead and groan. "And after all this
time, I was guessing New York or Lima again-
wait, how long have you known she moved to
London?" I ask, steam coming out of my ears at
how secretive my two best friends were..

"I've known for a while maybe a few months--"

"Months?" I shriek, scaring the kid again as I
rub my thighs to cool me down. "Did you just say months?" I hiss, gritting my teeth. "I feel stupid now for always calling you, and wonder where Wednesday could be."

"Enid, please don't be mad at me, it wasn't my right to tell you. Max told me-"

I clear my throat and hum to cut her off. "What
is going on with Max and Wednesday?" I ask,
confused as to why this boy, my best friend, seems to be keeping secrets from me about his friendship with my past lover.

Ajax stays quiet and I have to grip on the handle
when the train stops by a passing station, the doors slide open and I tap my fingers on the metal handle impatiently waiting for Ajax to answer my questions.

He sighs, and it doesn't sound too good. "I don't
think I can tell you, Enid-"

I groan and bite my lower lip, frustrated. "I cannot believe you're doing this to me." I grunt, shaking my head.

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