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"Hey Enid, caramel or white chocolate?"

I'm playing with the tip of my Starbucks drink
as Max leans forward on her chair, holding up a
chunk of the two sweet flavors. Ajax observing
us from the side with his eyebrows knitted together.

Narrowing my eyes on the two bars of chocolate, I nudge myy chin to the caramel flavored one.

"Caramel" I mumble, sighing for probably the nth time that day, my friends easily noticing it.

Ajax leans forward and bops my nose, making
me scrunch it up on reflex as he giggles at me.
"What's gotten into you, Enid? Are you okay?"

Max nods, and offers me a sympathetic look. "Yeah-" she drawls, licking her lips. "You've been like this since you called last week."

I sip my drink to distract myself from their
questions and sigh. Unfortunately, I didn't tell Max about what happened between me and Wednesday; I tried to, but I ended up crying the entire time when I reached her house, and I was thankful enough she didn't push for it, I don't think I could have handle that.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired." I mumble out as a
reply, scratching my messy hair as they look to each other then back at me, not believing a single word coming out of my mouth.

Max sucks in her lips and frowns. "You can tell us anything, you know?" and when she says this, it makes me think that the 'us' she's saying actually means 'me', and she so desperately wants to know what's going on. Why wouldn't she be? She's my best friend.

I nod my head slowly and smile. "Yes I know, but
there's really nothing going on with me right now." I lie, shrugging my shoulders up.

They drop the subject and I'm sulking deeper into my seat as I watch them interact with one another.

It's a good Ajax was here, because if he wasn't,
Max would be drilling me with questions so
in silence, I am very thankful for him. I'm just
not ready to tell Max about Wednesday, or my

She's just going to do everything in her power to
help and sometimes, she overreacts in her own
little ways.

Plus, she's having problems with Bianca so it's best
not to add more to her list.

"Glee club."

Blinking, I narrow my eyes on Ajax.

Max chuckles and shakes his head. "No thanks,
as good as you guys sound, I'd love to join but"
he sighs, taking a gup of his drink while chewing
on the chocolate bar. Ew.

"I'm already having problems with my
Captainship in the team, joining the Glee club will only piss Coach off and then I'm out, how will I protect you and Enid if that happens?" she reasons out, giving a pointed look to her as Ajax whines.

"You're just a really good dancer." he tells her,
throwing his hands in the air. "We need good
dancers, most of us on the club are just singers that don't dance-plus a wheel-chaired man, that's a disadvantage." I scrunch my nose up and blow a whistle. "Doesn't that mean it's an advantage? There's a handicap rule, isn't there?"

Ajax laughs and smiles softly at me.

"Unfortunately if you're in a singing choir, it's not a handicap."

Nodding our heads, Max and I simultaneously take a swing of our drinks with following ahead. We drop our cups at the same time on the table and sigh.

"Can you believe it's almost mid-term of the school year?" Max bellows, smiling cheekily. "We're going to go to college in a few months."

I groan and shake my head at her. "No, please I
don't even want to think about college yet."

Ajax frowns at me. "Really? Out of everyone
I'd expect you to want to leave the school and get in college already."

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