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"Let's play truth or dare." Wednesday says with a gleam in her eyes, bouncing her butt on top of my bed naked-again. She shouldn't have showered and wore new clothes in the first place if she knew she was going to do wonderful things to me.

"Isn't that kind of cliché?" I pout, rolling around the sheets as I slip on some loose shorts but leave my upper body naked.

Wednesday scoffs and waves me off. "What's cliché are heterosexual couples." She shoots back smartly, and I'm left laughing my ass off.

"Fine, fine." I give up, letting my lips curve into
a smile. "Only because I'm whipped." I confess,
snuggling into the bunched up sheet I made into
a pillow, chuckling when Wednesday brings my
spread out legs on top of her thighs.

"Okay, I'l start asking-Truth or Dare?"

I hum and tap my chin, really wondering what I
should pick. "Truth?" I try, licking my dry lips.

Wednesday inhaled deeply and shuffles closer to
me. "Who are the other women you had intimate relations with?"

I sit up a bit on my elbows and nibble on my lower lip nervously. "You really want to know?" I ask, silently reminding her of how pissed she was when she found out about my past partners.

Wednesday shrugs her shoulders indifferently.
"We're together now, so it doesn't matter or bug me at all."

"Well, all in all it's 4 women-not including you."
I say, wagging 4 of my digits up in the air as
Wednesday rolls her eyes at me. "I said who, not how many." She teases, playing the small hairs of my skin.

I chuckle and cluck my tongue. "There are 2 I don't remember the names of-"

Wednesday grunts, and I flash hera threatening
glare. "And the other is Nova and "I side eye her
nervously and gulp. "Divina."

Almost a mili-second after saying the last name
on the list, Wednesday snaps her head to lock our eyes in a dead-lock and frowns, shaking her head. "Excuse me, I'm not sure if I heard you right-"

I fully sit up and grab her shoulders, steadying her before she thinks of anything else. "I just made out with her!" I scream, shocking us both as I clear my throat and reassure Wednesday by staring into her brown orbs intently. "Just a kiss-" I groan and mentally slap myself. "And maybe a bit of tongue but that's it! I swear, I didn't see any of her naked parts and vice versa."

She quirks an eyebrow at me. "No sex?"

I nod, licking my lips. "Not even oral." I cringe
when Wednesday hisses and pinches my leg
painfully. "Sorry, that was wrong."

Wednesday rolls her eyes and defensively crosses her arms together. I groan and pout at her, pleading for her to not get mad. "Keth broke
up with her and I was upset about you so we
got super drunk and things got out of hand." I
explain further, chewing on my inner cheek.
"Does it help that I threw up all over her after we French-kissed?"

Her scowl soon turns into a smirk as Wednesday
laughs. "Oh god, that must have been hilarious." She exclaims, lightly slapping her stomach as she hollers in joy. "I wish I saw that."

I smile and shake my head, scrunching my nose up in disgust. "Don't, it was disgusting."

Wednesday chuckles some more before cooling
down and I'm next to ask her.

"Truth or Dare?"

Without a heartbeat left to think, Wednesday
answers. "Truth."

I pout and whimper at her response. "Aw, come on I was truth, so you have to be dare next."

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