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Im walking down the hallway, sad that I have
to be alone because I still haven't seen Max and
Ajax is at the auditorium performing his Glee
performance when I see Wedns again, a bounce in her step when she looks at me with sparkling eyes.

I have to stop walking a bit because can this be
true? Can she be publicly greeting me? That's
impossible. It's only been 4 days. Is that all the time she needs? Could it be possible?

I take a deep breath and let a smile grace my lips, my arm going up to wave at her as she waves back and I'm sighing, the love surrounding my body when she gets nearer and nearer and when she's right there in front of me, I'm about to say hi when all of a sudden, she continues to walk past me, the air leaving my lungs and going with her as I'm left cold and alone.

"Hey girls." She greets to the people that must
be behind me, the reason why I thought she was
smiling towards me when really, it was those
people on the back. I shake my head to get rid of
the rejection as I close my eyes and pout, feeling
my tears pool as I tell myself not to look back
because it'll only hurt more.

I mean, not hurt as in what she used to do to hurt me but a hurt that'll make me know even more that we can't be together, that we're only going to be friends and just that.

Sighing, I duck my head down in rejection for that embarrassing moment and walk away, wanting nothing more than to be with Max because I'm worried about her and I also need her more than anything right now. Maybe I'l tell her about me and Wednesday. Maybe.

What I completely missed though, was Wednesday  turning back to face me with regret in her eyes, almost wanting to reach out and pull me into a hug. Maybe I should've turned around. I don't know.

I pick up Ajax from the auditorium and we walk
to the direction of our class together, only stopping when a familiar face goes to stand before us, a sweet smile taking her features as Ajax narrows his eyes on her suspiciously.

"Yoko?" I greet, a small smile playing on my lips
for seeing the girl I haven't really talked to since

She waves shortly at me and giggles. "Hey Enid, and "-she turns to Ajax and tucks a shy strand of
hair behind her ear."-Im sorry, who are you?" she gestures to my friend.

Ajax clears her throat and offers a hand that
Yoko takes immediately, shaking it nicely."I'm I'm Ajax."

Yoko hums and smirks at her. "Ah, the glee boy."
She quotes, making Ajax frown for a moment before smiling again. "I've seen you perform, you have a lovely voice."

This time Ajax blushes furiously, probably
flustering at the fact a Cheerleader is
complimenting her.

I roll my eyes and cock my hip to the side as I
giggle at Yoko's attempts. "Alright, alright
we all know you can charm anyone's pants off."
I tease, missing the way she looks down to my
crotch briefly before laughing along with me. "But Ajax's straight, so poor you."

Yoko shakes her head and grins at me with her sparkling white teeth. "Oh no, my intent wasn't
on flirting with her-you know I only got my eyes
on you, Babe." She coos, making me blush at how forward she was with her words.

Ajax giggles and nudges my elbow. I just rolled
my eyes again. "Stop being so charming." I scold
lightly, eyes darkening when I spot Wednesday and Divina turning a corner to the opposite side but its like we're magnets and before I know it, Wednesday's twisting her neck back to us, narrowing her eyes on Yoko in disdain.

"I can never stop, you're too pretty not to be
admired." She fires back with a wink, snapping me out of Wednesday's dark eyes.

"Thanks, that's sweet."I end up saying, scratching the back of my neck as Ajax hooks his arm with my own. I turn to her and she tugs on me a bit.

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