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Gulping, I hastily re-open the crumpled paper
and read what's written there in her weird handwriting.

I'm sorry.

That's all it said -right in the middle of the pad
paper, with her cursive handwriting. I feel my jaw dropping as I bend down and pick up a couple of more papers, opening them up to just read the same thing.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Leaning back, I stare back at the door and let out a short snort. "Well.." I say to myself, gathering a few more pieces of paper, each one having the words I'm sorry written down on them as I open the crumpled parts.

Who would have thought that Wednesday could
be oddly...endearing?--god, Wednesday has really weird romantic gestures. But no, remember note to self: do not give in.

But I couldn't help the smile that lingered on my
lips as I examine the other piles of paper that
probably has the same words written on them.
There's about 50 more and I guess Wednesday just loves leaving a lot of messages.

Funny right?

Stuffing a few of them inside the pocket of my
jeans, I dash out of the room before I miss lunch
with Max and head down the hallway with an
oddly weird grin on my face.

She's getting there.

Wednesday's getting there.

She just needs baby steps.

It's at midnight, when I'm out on my balcony
reading my favorite book when I get a text from
her. Max's over also, sleeping noisily on the other side of the balcony with a blanket all over her. She looks like a cute panda and I took this opportunity to take a lot of pictures of her. She's so going to get mad at me tomorrow or whenever she finds out.

Seems like she was absent today, caught a flu this morning and didn't like not 'seeing' me for a day and decided to sleep over. We watched re-runs of Twilight because it's my ultimate favorite movie series and decided to cozy up in my balcony to camp out here instead. She fell asleep as soon as she dropped the comforter on the ground.

I believe Max' still sick but I didn't bother. She's
like a sister to me.

Closing my book after placing my bookmark, I
reach out and snatch my phone that's near Max's butt, chuckling lightly.

Wednesday Addams: Can you come over?

Blinking a couple of times, I mull this over. If she didn't have that slushy attack come to me then I'd probably come over because its part of the rules but I did tell her to give me some time because I'm trying to fix myself too.

Another ring.

Wednesday Addams: Hopefully, you can Enid.

I roll my eyes, glaring at my phone and hoping it
would reach Wednesday because she's obviously using the 'say her real name' card to get to me, I'm pretty sure she's laughing right now.

Come to think of it, it was weird wallking down
the hall of Nevermore high and not get glares or slushies or talks by the cheerios. It's like they couldn't even see me when I walk passed them today, it's like the slushy in front of college students never happened at all. While yes, it made me happy that nobody--especially Max, even if she was absent-would be hearing about that humiliating story, it kind of made me sad to think I got all the pain and they think it's okay to just let it slide.

Yoko's been nothing but sweet to me also, noticing me alone by myself in Max and I's cafeteria table when Max didn't show up and eat with me.

She's really sweet but, I'm having my doubts. We
couldn't talk much today because cheerios practice for her for the first time ina week was hell.

Wednesday Addams: If it's a no--I'd like to know.

I chew on my lip and think hard, knowing what
exactly entails if I leave Max and go to her.

Opening a new box in my phone to reply, I type
my a new message and press sent, leaning back on my railings as I close my eyes and ponder on my decision.

I'm hopeless.

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