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Humming to a tune from the 90's album in my iPod, I skip in my steps and do some footwork on the empty sidewalk as I giggle to myself, I surely miss dancing if it was a great profession, I'd do it in a heart beat, like Id pursue it as a career and all. But sadly it's not, and I have to follow my parents.

And just as I was about to turn around and walk
back to my house which is just a flew blocks from here, I'm stopped by the voice of Wednesday Addams- her amazing and sultry voice.

"Yo Sinclair."

Plugging out my earphones, I swivel on the balls
of my feet and smile at her. "Hi Wedns." I greet her, waving shyly as she frowns at my attempt on being cute.

"Not cute, blue eyes." She mutters, making me
pout at her because hey, I tried at least. "Anyways, I need you to come with me." She huffs, walking past me and going straight forward, past the corner to my house.

My eyes go wide as I fix the straps of my bag and
run close to her. "Wa--Wait, where are we going
Wednesday?" I pant out, getting a bit too close to
her disliking which showed gravely when our
arms grazed and she jolted and pushed me away
due to reflex. I stumble on my feet and catch myself as we stop walking and stare at each other.

That was like the biggest spark I felt with

Did she feel that too?

"Woah " she starts, hands up in a mocking
manner. "I didn't allow you to get close to me you pervert." She hisses, fixing her hair subconsciously before walking forward again.

I blush and nibble on my lower lip as I shyly duck down my head. I wasn't acting like a pervert now, was I? I mean, I just slightly touched her arm- that's not bad at all. I actually found it electrifying.

"S--Sorry."I stutter out, biting my inner cheek
nervously as I continue to walk behind Wednesday in a safe distance, sighing sadly. This is going nowhere to where I want it to be.

Wednesday peeks back at me and crinkles her
eyes slightly before rolling them. "Jeez I didn't say to walk far from me like a pet dog either." She mumbles, quickening her steps as I gleam and follow next to her quickly. I guess Wednesday isn't so mean all the time. But then something hit meblike a ton of bricks and Im suddenly whipping my head around in search of something -or someone.

"Wednesday? We're walking in public." I whisper out to her, eyes wide because I don't want her to hit me because she did say she didn't want anyone knowing about us speaking to each other. "Are you pranking me?"

She stops in her tracks and pokes me hard in the
chest. "Okay what is it with you and thinking I'm
always going to prank you?" she huffs, frustrated.

I give her a pointed look in return which she
frowns back at. "Whatever, I don't prank you all the time."

I'm about to reply, yes--you do that for a living
when my jaw drops open at the sight I'm seeing in front of me now.

We're in front of a tall mansion, filled with many doors located in every direction of the house and Wednesday's climbing up the stone steps as I nervously catch up to her, leaning in to ask what's going on.

"Wednesday -why are we "

"Wednesday, hello?" greets a cute but chubby black haired, he almost has the same face as Wednesday but have a bubbly personality. "And- ah, who are you?"

I blink a couple of times and fidget with the ends
of my fingers as I stare blankly at him, not knowing what to say back. Wednesday surprisingly wraps her arm around mine and pulls me closer to her, causing me to blush furiously because she doesn't do this. "She is shy, Pugsley." She husks out with that perfect accent of hers that makes my legs jiggle.

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