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School's been... tough. How can it not Wednesday's always glaring at me and mouthing the words 'our deal' every time we pass by each other in the corridor. It's crazy, I mean, when she didn't notice me-I was already going mad for her to know my name and now, with all these threats, glares and harsh slushies I kind of wish she just didn't know I existed again.

Like, what's the big deal with us having sex? It's
what every high school student does nowadays.
Sure, it's not a good quota to have the top cheerleader and lowest nerd get it on in the star
volleyballer's bed-but what could hurt her? And
who am I going to tell? I'm a loser, remember?
There's no one but oh. Right, I have Max.

And speak of the devil, my best friend comes
rushing to my side, hands clasped together as she mutters a lot of "sorry's" to me.

"God Enid, I'm so sorry I didn't know what was
going inside my head." She whined, throwing her head back in frustration as I watch her, amused.

"First, the cheerleaders are giving us cupcakes for winning the game and then when we opened the door to the party I suddenly felt so hit and high-I'm just really sorry." She said, explaining her situation with a lot of hand gestures as we walk along the hallways.

I stop walking and face her with a half-smile. "It's okay Max, I was guessing something happened to you." I assured her, giggling. "You'd never leave me right?" I then asked, half-wondering if she somehow bailed on me.

Her black eyes widen and her jaw drops to the
floor while shaking her head furiously. "What? No! I'd never leave you, what kind of a question is that Enid? You're my best friend." She huffs, making me cross my arms playfully as I roll my eyes at her for acting so childish.

Smacking her shoulder, I play with the straps of my backpack as we stop in front of the last class of the day, Biology. Which won't be too good because my love and my torturer is going to be inside there as well.

"So, did they do anything? You have to tell me." She asked me with a stern look, eyeing every single cheerleader and jock in the room as we sit beside each other in the left end. I shrug my shoulders, drop my bag and get comfy in my seat.

"Nothing really, Bianca just pushed me away from you and let me be." It wasn't a lie, not a complete lie. Bianca did push me away from Max but I couldn't tell her that she lured me to Wednesday which ended up in well, losing my virginity.

She quirks her eyebrow at me and clucks her
tongue, a sign that she doesn't believe me. "Really? And that's all he did?" she asks again, pushing me on for more information.

I nod my head slowly. "Yes Max, I promise you
that for the first time in my life, Bianca didn't do
anything." I assured her with the most truthful
eyes I can give her. And its true, Bianca didn't do
anything but Wednesday did. And Max didn't ask me what Wednesday did.

She hums, leaning back on her chair to get comfy as well while eyeing me wearily. "Are you sure you're not just hiding something so she wont kill you or whatever? Like black mail?"

Laughing, I bring out my notebook and point
my pen at her while grinning. "Nope." I replied,
popping the 'p' while I fix my sitting position just as the teacher comes in and writes something on the board.

The whole entire lesson I ignore the eye daggers
digging holes into ny skull from the girl sitting two seats behind me.

As I walk back to my locker alone, after Max left
me when El was waiting for her outside of the
room, I feel the down-weight of what Wednesday acted towards me this morning sink my mood. I don't know why but it's just really depressing hearing the love of your life tell you that their love making was all fake making.

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