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"F-Fuck, my head hurts." I whine, rubbing my sore eyelids as Divina chuckles beside me, placing a cup of tea by my bed, and massaging my back. "I think Chrissy put too much something in my drink I only drank two."

Divina rolls her eyes playfully. "Oh please, you're just lightweight." She teases, grinning playfully as I flail my arms around, trying to smack her in the face but failing to do so.

"I feel like a garbage can." I go on, smacking my
cheeks and stretching them wide, only to snap it
back, groaning when it hurts. "Ow, why did I do

Divina laughs loudly and it makes me cringe. She eyes me curiously and bites her lip. "Okay, now I'm starting to think Chrissy really did something to your drink also."

I click my tongue a couple of times, sticking it out when I taste something weird. "What is that?" I ask, my voice sounding weird because of my tongue stuck out. "It-It tastes like sour cream mixed with cheese."

She sits up and gestures to the medicine wrapper beside my tea. "I gave you some flavored aspirin." She mumbles simply, shrugging her shoulders.

"Thought you liked it better."

I flop my body down on the bed and curl on the
sheets, trying to make myself comfortable. "That's gross, flavored aspirins? Really Divina?"

She chuckles and leans down to fix my hair, smiling at me sweetly. "I thought you liked being treated like a kid." She teases, winking.

"Kids don't drink alcohol, Div." I reply smartly,
jutting my lower lip in a pout. "That's like,
underage." Divina shakes her head and grins. "God, how I love your words, Enid, seriously, it makes my day." She sighs, fluttering her eyelashes as she pats my back.

"So now I'm going to leave you to your sleep
because it's 9am in the morning and I can't be late for work." She tells me, almost walking out of the door when I remember something.

I shoot up in bed, and regret it after when my head starts to sting.

"Shit," I curse, rubbing my sore spot before I make eye contact with hazel orbs. "W-Why did you tell Yoko to back off?" I ask, remembering last night. "What's wrong with dancing with her? I thought-" I grunt, licking my lips to get rid of that awful foul taste of a medicine tablet. "I thought you wanted me to look for some fun?"

Divina's eyes turn a shade darker as she grips hard on my door. Her veins are nearly popping as she clears her throat and forces a smile. "I did tell you to have some fun, but trust me Enid, Yoko is not the kind of fun you're looking for." She says with venom laced in her voice, almost spitting out the words.

Sitting up more on bed, I shake my head. "But I
don't get it, she's really nice."

She stares at me with this pity look, almost like she wishes I didn't think that way. "You really think she's nice?" she asks me, clicking her tongue as I subtly nod my head. "Well then, we're not high school, Enid-not anymore, not me, not you and definitely not her." She hisses.

I'm shocked in place. "What are you trying to say?" I ask, begging to get what she means because I feel like it's related to something I've been trying to understand.

Divina smiles weakly and sighs. "It's not my place to say but you go rest, okay?" she hums, winking at me playfully. "And I'll check on you later."

I pout and nod, deciding to let this go because
Divina's a tough one to get the truth out of. "0-Okay" I drawl, lolling my head to the side as I feel my eyes twinkling. "Can you bring home some Tacos after work?"

She smirks and rolls her eyes. "Anything for you,

After Divina left and around 3 hours of sleeping to knock off this sour headache, I lazily walk to our living area and plop down on the couch, bending down to bring out the laptop from under the table as I turn it on. I switch the TV to a nice channel to drown out the silence and smile when I open up some of my email. It's great to know I'm part of the family of the clinic I'm going to start working at, The Pawprints. It's a cute clinic title, something fun for the kids and hilarious to the adults, and it's totally me. I open an email from my boss and gasp when I read what's there.

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