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next chapter is actually the good one i'm bad at
telling how long these chapters actually are.

"You what?" Max gasps, her bite of sandwich
nearly falling off her mouth as I giggle and tip her jaw back close, making her chomp again.

Sighing, I lean on the palm of my hand and frown.

"Yeah, I-Mrs. Heather told me to tutor Wednesday  and I can't back out." I mumble, fiddling with my hot chocolate.

Max pouts deeply and shakes her head in disgust. "ls there really no other way?"

Actually there is, Mrs. Heather asked me if I was okay to tutor Wednesday and if I'd be comfortable with her attitude. Obviously I'm not okay but I have to do it. The reasons why? Well one is because I can't leave Wednesday to fail and be out of the cheerios.

She loves it too much, and just like she said-it's
the reason for her position in school, she needs i-and its her only way to getting into college. Her scholarship remember? If she doesn't graduate a
cheerleader then there's no point in her scholarship and even if Wednesday's mean and awful and has never made a point to try and apologize to me, I still care for her. And I guess I'm just too nice to think about the negative things.

Second, she offered to give me full merit rights and a special degree certificate that she doesn'twant to tell me until I complete my tutoring lessons with Wednesday and graduate she wanted it to be a surprise for being such a good student and who wouldn't want that for an application fill up?


I snap out of my thoughts and look back at Max's
dark eyes, smiling softly. "I cant, she had good
offers." I reply simply, shrugging my shoulders as I forgot about how hot my hot chocolate is that I accidentally burnt my tongue when I took a sip, causing me to half-spill some of its contents.

Max snorts and I glare at her playfully. "Sorry-
that was funny." She excuses himself, standing up to rush to the counter for some napkins.

I swat away some hot chocolate wet drops from my arm and pout when I see it staining my favorite duck sweater.

"Here, drink this." She tells me lightly, offering me a few napkins and a mug of cold water.

I accept it gratefully and sigh when the cold liquid pours over my stinging tongue, making it cool off from the slight burn.

Max smirks at me and goes back to her seat,
laughing. "I just realized something" Max hums,
tapping her chin. "it's amusing how I'm always
there when you need some cleaning." She jokes,
hiding away from me by taking a long chug of her coffee.

My jaw drops and I lush furiously because yeah,
that's so true. She's always been there to help clean me up from slushy hits and now this too? Because of my clumsiness? What would I do without Max if only she was into girls like me, I'd totally do anything to be with her relationship wise.

And no, El is not another version of her, that's
just gross.

I'm about to say what was just going on inside my head when I feel a buzzing on the back pocket of my jeans. Frowning because I wasn't expecting any calls today since Max is with me, I slide my phone out of my pocket and check who was texting me.

Wednesday Addams: House. Now. Tutor time, nerdy.

It was so demanding, and I couldn't help but roll
my eyes because I can imagine her saying the exact same thing she texted me. What's great about texts is that she cant see my expressions, it's a closed book and I can show whatever I feel whenever Wednesday talks rudely without her getting pissedvoff or annoyed.

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