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Enid Sinclair POV

I close the door since I was the last one to step out of class and gasp when I see Max standing in front of me, mouth half-open.

"E-Enid-"I cut her off by jumping on her, bringing her to a tight hug as I bury my face deep inside the crook of her neck and whine.

She encircles her arms around my waist and tugs me closer, inhaling my scent. "Im sorry." She whispers, stroking my short blonde hair. "Im sorry Enid."

I pull her away from me and smile up at her. "Sorry for what silly?" I kid, not wanting to think of the bad things because I've had enough.

She smiles sadly and brings a hand up to stroke my hair behind my ear. "For ignoring you the past few months, I've had-issues." She sighs, rubbing her temple thereafter. "But Ajax cornered me and told me something's wrong with you and I couldn't-I'm sorry." She apologizes some more and I giggle at her enthusiasm, sighing when I realize it's the first time I've felt good in weeks.

"Well, you're here now." I grin up at her, bouncing on my toes. "And I'm not someone who likes to think about negative things, so as long as you tell me why you've been ignoring us-I'm all good."

She chuckles and brings me in for a hug again.

"What did I do to deserve such an awesome friend like you?" she teases, squeezing my sides.

I hook my arms under her armpits and smile over her shoulder, but it soon fades as I spot Wednesday  appearing from a corner of the hallway, looking nothing but sullen with Divina always by her side. She looks up like she feels me staring and we manage to make eye contact.

I frown and bite my lip, turning my head to avoid her stare when in a second in doing so, I'm pretty sure I heard her sob. Her scent invades me as she passes by Max and I, and I peer at her through Max's arms as Wednesday keeps her head down and rubs her eyelids.

Why is she crying? Shouldn't she be happy?

Max suddenly lets go and grins. "I'm down with
that. So tell me, what's going on with you?" she asks but there's something in her eyes that tells me she already knows.

I open my mouth to speak but she stops me by
saying, "If it's Wednesday then you don't need to say anymore."

My eyes go wide at her words and my jaw drops.


She scratches her hair and chuckles. "Your balcony doesn't have hidden walls, Enid. I saw you guys cuddling." She tells me, pulling me inside the room I just closed so that no one could hear us. She jumps on one of the tables and clasps her hands together. "-Is there something lovey-dovey between you two?" she asks and I hold back a laugh at her words.

Ducking down, I glance at him through my
eyelashes. "T-There may be, yes." I gulp, almost
feeling a weight being lift off of my shoulders after holding it in for this long. "But that's non-existent now, I'm over Wednesday Addams."

Max frowns and clears her throat. "How'd it

"It kind of started on Bianca's first day party." I
blurt out, blushing when Max's jaw drops.

"That early?" she asks in disbelief. "You've been
dating her since the start of the year? How did I not see this?I know you've got a massive crush on her but-it actually happened?"

I shake my head, jumping up on the table across
her. "At first, it was a friends with benefits kind of thing-minus the friends, but-then it got more

She holds a hand up and chuckles. "Save me
the details on your journey of love." She teases,
winking at me. "I just want to know the now of

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