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i'll try to post an update tomorrow & the day after too so look forward to those.

Wednesday's POV

Everybody knows I'm the top bitch of this school, I own this place-- and one thing I own too is the nerd chatting away with Max the great Mayfield on their cafeteria table.

That's right, I own that girl with the bluest eyes
in this school. Like it or not, she's great at sex.

And she's well, great at being nice too. She's a
nerd after all. Like nobody's ever wanted to cook pancakes for me before or come to my house at 6am because some hobo likes my Luck Charnms cereal -but yeah, blue eyes is different. But only in a slave kind of way. If there was a slave competition I'd say she wins it all.

And just like that day with her in my house again, I really wanted to get away from her. I don't know why but seeing her cook pancakes for me just really annoyed me. So I said I was going to have brunch with Divina--but fuck, I forgot she's smart and nerdy so she just had to pull out one of the rules.

I had to think fast and thus, the most logical and
safest way to go--is--is to make a new rule and say you can't interfere with crushes. But gross, Divina and I are never going to happen. She's straight (pft) and I love girls that don't like to cheat on men... And talk behind my back too.

So to my surprise, as I'm sitting here at the cheerios table, one of the girls-a newbie, Yoko with brown eyes, brings up the nerd to a conversation.

"Don't you guvs think Enid Sinclair is pretty?" she asks, eyes twinkling.

Everybody stops eating and stares at her, and I
smirk because ha, no one's going to want to talk
about blue eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" someone suddenly shouts, causing a few others to say it along with her. I frown at this. "Enid's smoking hot." Ajax (don't ask me anything) says, chuckling.

"If she were a cheerio, she'd be the hottest one
walking around-and that's coming from me." She chides, causing others to nod along.

Yoko giggles and puckers her lips a bit. "So why
does everyone hate her?"

I try to not say anything and just hear what's going on.

"It's not like we hate her, it's just that she's the nerd and we're the cheerleaders. So we show her that we hate her because that's the system." Divina explains from beside me with a few hand gestures.

Ajax chuckles and nods at that. "That's exactly it.
But other than that, she's definitely pretty. I was
actually waiting for one of the guy's to start asking her out but they're too scared because of her being a loser."

Eugene (don't ask me anything pt.2) jumps into it and points her fork at Yoko. "That is also true, they're wimps but I know everyone wants to get inside her pants even the ladies." She hums, chewing on an apple after saying that.

My frown just gets deeper.

They don't even know what she's packing
underneath those pants of hers.

"Well how lucky for the ladies" Divina says,
smirking. "Because Enid is 100% gay."

All the cheerleaders gasp and giggle along, I had to follow with them too.

Yoko leans forward on the table and winks at
everyone. "Well then guys I guess you all know
what I'm doing next." She hums out, wagging her eyebrows as she moves her brown eyes to fucking stare at my loser.

Scowling, I cross my arms together in a threatening motion. "What? Are you going to ask her out?"I scoff, roling my eyes.

"Maybe." Yoko hums, smiling to herself. "I mean, I just came out and I think Enid would be a perfect girlfriend." She explains herself, smiling some more.

"What if she doesn't even like you?" I huff out loud, causing others to nod along with me.

Yoko smirks at me and I see her brown eyes
darkening. "Ill find out then, huh?"

That left me speechless.

No way.

No way is this black-haird brown eyed vampire going to get my loser.

That nerd has rights to me only.

"Besides Wedns," Ajax hums, tilting her head to the side at me. "Didn't you get in her pants already?

How is she?

My eyes drop down and I shuffle in my seat

Momo all about leans forward and her jaw drops. "You had sex with Enid?"

I glare at her and grit my teeth. "I did not." I shot

Divina laughs beside me and stops eating her
sandwich. "What Wedns's trying to say is, she lost the bet and didn't get to sleep with her."

By my left, Eugene frowns. "Wait, there was a bet?"

Divina hums and nods, making the sweat drop down my neck. "Yup, you don't know about it because you're not seniors. It's a tradition of the senior batch to bet the captain of the team" she says, pointing at me."---unto doing something crazy and we bet her to get inside Enid's pants-which she failed to do so."

Yoko gasps. "What happened?"

I shrug my shoulders, feeling my lungs about to
crash. "She climbed out of the window while I was undressing myself." I mumble out, saying the same old excuse.

Everybody laughs at this. And Eugene couldn't help but say, "Maybe she doesn't find you attractive Wedns."

I don't bother replying to her because I know the truth and her words aren't going to sting me.
But what Yoko said, did sting me.

"Well then, I'm going to try on Lisa." She says, smirking as she continues to stare at blue eyes
who's looking at something Max the great Mayfield is drawing on.

And no, that's not going to happen.

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