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"Are you ready?" I turn to Wednesday while unbuckling my seatbelt, parking in the farthest,
most secluded corner of the school lot. I smile
as she fixes her hair with the side mirror before
twisting on her seat to face me, smiling just as

She nods her head in reply. "Thanks for picking me up." She shyly says, licking her lips as I grin back at her all toothy. Ever since Wednesday's break up with Bianca, she's been struggling with finding a ride to and from school. It's not like she doesn't have a car, it's just that she was traumatized last year after nearly running over an old lady when she didn't see the stoplight.

After that, she seldom got behind the wheel again and just preferred to enjoy rides instead. She's been with Divina after Bianca but found it  boring whenever the girl would pump out Taylor Swift songs on the radio.

Plus, she said she only rode with close friends and considered me as one in the group so who am I to not say yes to her offer? Another added plus is that I get to use my car and not the stinky old bus anymore. But we had to keep it quiet, a secret- Wednesday's still not ready to be seen with me in public.

"It's no problem." I whisper back in reply, reaching to the back to grab our bags as I hand it over to her.

She leans forward on her seat and watches as
students slowly enter the school, the parking lot
soon becoming empty, as it was only 4 minutes
left until the bell rang. It's been a routine of ours
since last Sunday when we made the deal. It's now Thursday and we never got caught so it was all good.

After the last person went through the doors,
Wednesday pushed her side of the door open and I did the same. We smiled at each other through the hood of my car and slovwly walked with an inch of space between us towards the entrance of the hell that is school. Wednesday glided near me and chuckled.

"Usually, I hate waking up because I knew Bianca's going to be an asshole inside the car" she hums and it makes me furrow my eyebrows together, confused. I stop walking when she halts by the door, taking a deep breath before turning to me with a shy glance."-but now, I'm actually looking forward to every morning with you bringing me to school."

She admits and before I can smile, roll my eyes in love and bring her in for a hug, Wednesday's eyes darken and she slams the doors open, pushing some kid to the floor as she places her hands on her waist, glaring hard.

"Didn't mommy ever tell you not to stand too near the doors?" she hisses to the boy who scampers away whilst shielding himself with a book.

I feel my shoulders deflating as I frown for a
second. It's gone as soon as I tell myself that Wednesday  can't change her way to others, she has to keep her HBIC attitude if she doesn't want to get suspicious looks.

The boy whimpers and shakes his head. "I'm-I'm
so sorry W-Wednesday-"

She stomps her feet down and snarls. "Park to
you, brace-face." I back away from her and sigh,
seeing as Divina and the other cheerleaders approach Wednesday with the same scowls that she has.

Divina side-eyes me and it leaves me confused, why is she looking at me like that?

And then she's smirking like she knows something before hooking her arm with Wednesday who flinches at the sudden touch.

"Hey Wedns." She greets witha snicker, and I watch the interaction by the end corner of the hallway.

"You're arriving late to school." She points out and again, she looks to me with mischief in her eyes. "I wonder why..."

Wednesday rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Please, now with Bianca gone, I have to fucking walk to school everyday, I don't walk fast Divina." she rebukes, clucking her tongue. "And no, no more rides with you."

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