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sorry for the lack of updates. I'm really busy irl and i have a lot going on so i never have time or energy to update but ill try n update more often.

"Honey did you hear something?"

Shit. The dad.

"I think it's coming from the poolside."

"Those damn rabbits better not jump in again-"

My eyes widen and before I could admire an
adorable Wednesday in my loose sweater and her short Cheerio skirt, I'm carrying her bridal style and running out of the place, throwing my leg over the fence as I duck down and Wednesday  accidentally slides off me, still giggling.

That girl-

"Did you see any?" the dad looks around the pool before the mom shrieks, pointing at what seems to be -fuck, my cum.

"Oh my god! The birds' pooped on our pool again."

My face flushes in embarrassment. So what? Cum looks like bird shit? Maybe. Just because they're both white.

The dad shakes his head and frowns at the kid
that came out in a one-piece. "Sorry sweetie, no
swimming today- the birds' pooped."

"But Dad!"

"Daddy will send a cleaner later afternoon. Go
watch TV now"

I don't even bother listening to the conversation as I slump ny shoulders down and face Wednesday  whose eyes are half-lidded. She sticks her thumbs up and grins. "Eni-and-Wedns kinky adventures part 2?" she hums, tilting her head to the side.

Clucking my tongue, I hold in my chuckles. "You're something Wedns." I say, watching as she plays with the hem of my sweater.

"You know, I really like your sweaters, Enid." She mumbles, adjusting her hair. "A-And that was super fun, we should fuck more in their pool."

I shake my head in amusement, falling back to lean on one of her house's tree trunks. Knowing she's kind of a daze, I couldn't help but ask. "So we're back to being fuck buddies again?"

She stares at me deeply and smiles. "The best
buddies, the fuck best buddies." She giggles, licking her lips. "But not in a bad way, more like in a-I like being with you Enid-kind of way."

Smiling, I hum. "That doesn't sound too bad."

She grins and flips her wet hair to the side,
crawling on top of me as she unzips my zipper and pulls down my pants along with my shorts.

My eyes are probably dark in lust as my cock pops out, still hard but wet with both my cum, her cum and the chlorine. Wednesday pumps it slowly. Wanting to get my cock's to it's hardest it can be before leaning in to nibble on my lower lip.

"They were kind of early today " she hums, licking my neck before biting my pulse point. "And we've only done round 1 and a half" she continues, bringing her hips up so that her pussy was directed to my cock. I moan, staring down at this. "-What do you say we continue the next rounds in my backyard?" she suggests, eyes darkening as I nod my head and groan when her tight pussy surrounds my cock again. I grunt and fuck her hard, watching as she grinds her hips to me.

After that round, we moved to the sliding doors
behind her house and she bent over, holding on
to the glass doors as I fucked her from behind,
almost considering anal but decided not to. Next
round we took it on her kitchen floor but not before laying down my sweater and her cheerios top to avoid any skin burns and dirty diseases because duh germ-floors. Last round was after we kind of drank most of her liquor in the fridge and got super drunk, super drunk that we ran back to our neighbors house and used the house swing to lay Wednesday down and make me fuck her with her feet behind her head because she's flexible like that.

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