PART 55 (M)

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I stare at the wall in front of my bed,
absentmindedly tracing the patterns of the flowers there on the bed sheets. I groan and bite my lip, cupping my cheeks. What am I doing? I should be enjoying my stay in London. This is the city of magic for Pete's sake, I should lay on the grass in the park in just a bikini top and shorts, I should go to a gym, visit museums, anything. But no, I'm stuck at my rental apartment after a whole morning of examining and studying that bird I'm going to bring back to Barbara in New York, thinking of my encounter with Wednesday and her girlfriend, Heather.

"Ugh." I groan, falling back on my mattress as I
hit the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. "Im going
nuts." I say to myself, rubbing my forehead. "I'm
going nuts." I repeat, nodding sadly as I turn my
body to face the mini-desk and grab my phone,
immediately dialing Divina.

Damn, I've been calling her a lot lately.

"And I thought I was the clingy one." Was the
answer I get from my brunette friend, making a
small smile appear on my face.

"Im not clingy." I reply, pouting slightly. "I'm just,
bothered right now." I sigh, rolling on the sheets as I suddenly miss the presence of my roommate who I consider my sister from another mister.

"Is this about Wednesday again? Enid, just make
sure you don't see her again. As simple as that, get the job done, only one month and come back home, I'm here for you."

Oh how the roles have been reversed. Usually, it
was Divina there for Wednesday, back in high school that is. Then I had Max and Ajax but ever since 2 years ago, things changed and the big reason was because of our destinations. Sure, Ajax was more with me than he was for Max and Wednesday but now it's different, he loves Max, why wouldn't he go with her?

"That's the problem, I saw her, again." I groan,
slapping my forehead. "Im so done with this Div,
I'm actually ready to call Barbara and tell her I can't do London." I sigh, nibbling on my lower lip.

Divina gasps in the other end. "What? You can't do that, you'll lose your job." She warns me, clicking her tongue as I feel my body turn into a tiny mess all of a sudden. "Don't let your feelings get into the way of your job, Enid."

I frown, shaking my head. "I don't have any
feelings. That's all in the past now." I huff, rolling my eyes at how defensive I sound.

"Yeah sure, and I'm straight." She jokes sarcastically and I decide to play with the game because I'm miserable right now.

"You are? I knew it, Keth's just your beard."
I tease, grinning from ear to ear when I hear Divina choke, probably halfway on drinking her drink.

She coughs a couple of times and I can't help but
laugh some more. "Oh my god, that's not even
remotely funny." She hisses, venom in her voice.

"Change subject, please."

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "It was funny." I correct her, fiddling with my fingers. "And I don't know what subject to change it to, you hate talking about animals so," I drawl, licking my lips. "What do you want to talk about?"

Divina hums in response. "Okay, listen to me very clearly, okay Enid?" she asks, and I nod my head even though she couldn't see me, but probably felt me. "You are not going to stay inside your room like a bum, nope, you are going out and exploring London like a normal first-time tourist would do. You are an adult now Enid," Divina sighs, almost tired of this whole charade. Believe me, Im tedious as well.

"If ever you see Wednesday, you are not going to
run away or do something crazy. You, a tough lady, are to speak to her politely and treat her like you both haven't broken each other's hearts."

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