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Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

Rubbing my eyelids, I slowły open them and blink my eyes a couple of times, adjusting to the light that's streaming down my window curtains. I clear my throat and frown when I feel how dry it is. I push myself up into a sitting position and gasp when I notice how naked I actually am. I blush furiously, twisting to grab the sheets to cover me when my hand meets skin.

I glance up and gasp, eyes turning a shade darker as I take in the beauty on top of my bed, wrapped in white sheets.

"Wednesday," I breathe out, sucking in my lips as I dare myself to trace over her figure, fingers dipping in between her thighs before ending up just above her bellybutton. I smile weakly when
she flinches under my touch, causing a small giggle to come out of my pink lips. This seems to wake her up though.

She peeks one eye open and grins, rolling her body to face me as her hair covers a part of her face. "Hey you." she husks, clearing her throat from the rough morning voice.

I wish she didn't though, because I love how she
sounds whenever she wakes up in the morning.
"Hi," I reply, nibbling on my lower lip shyly when everything suddenly starts crashing down, and I'm recalling what happened last night. I duck my head down and pout. "Wenny, we need to talk-"

She crawls towards me and tucks a lose strand of hair before lightly pecking my lips, tilting her head to the side to kiss me better. I'm about to give in, just like always but something inside of my brain is telling me to stop. So I did just that, I gently hold her shoulders and she ceases.

"What's Wrong, Enid?" she asks with her large dopey brown eyes.

I sigh and shake my head. "We can't keep doing
this." I reply, licking my lips.

She laughs and furrows her eyebrows. "Keep doing what?" she hums, obviously keeping her walls up again since she didn't want to talk.

"Walking all over our problems by having sex."I
whimper, rubbing my forehead. "We need to talk about everything, Wednesday-I do miss you a lot." I confess, shrugging my shoulders. "And if there's any chance we can start fresh, I'd love to do that."

She frowns and clicks her tongue. "Just last night all you wanted to do was sex."

"I was mad, you were mad, whenever we're
mad all we resort it to is sex and now that I'm
awake, I don't want to slide through this mess."
I reply, pleading her with my eyes for some little

Wednesday stays quiet for a minute before turning around and jumping out of my bed, bending down to grab her clothes as I frown at her. Why does she always have to be so difficult?

"I need to go, Heather and I have our annual
Thursday Breakfast Dates." She mumbles,
stumbling a bit as she slips in her feet.

This got me steaming in confusion. "You're just
going to go to your girlfriend after what we did last night? Don't you have any guilt?" I hiss grabbing the blanket to cover my chest and member because I feel so dirty all of a sudden. And I should be, what we did was wrong. I really don't like being the cause of a break-up, especially having sex with another person's girlfriend. So, maybe I'm being a hypocrite too, saying all these things when l insinuated to have sex with Wednesday just hours ago. But, there was always this thing inside me that could never deny my infatuation towards the girl.

Wednesday frowns, almost showing a face that
meant what are you saying when something dawns on her and her mouth drops open. "Oh, that." she mutters, tapping her chin as I roll my eyes.

"Yes that, what's going-"

"Heather isn't my girlfriend." She blurts out,
awkwardly scratching the back of her neck as I try to turn my gaze away from her round breasts.

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