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I remove my book from my lap and stare
quizzically at the still sleeping Wednesday. It's
already 8pm and she's been sleeping for hours.

Waiting, I continue to play with her dark locks,
getting accustomed to its softness.

"Chocolate cake."

I try to stifle my laughter as I continue to watch
her, amused. "Chocolate cake?" I couldn't help but repeat her words, wondering how far this can go.

Wednesday groans and shakes her head which she shouldn't do since I'm wearing very thin shorts and now is not the greatest time to get a hard on.

Blushing because I already am starting to have one, I curse at myself for getting so turned on whenever Wednesday is here and bite my lip, thinking of anything disgusting enough to seize my arousal. It'd also be awkward for Wednesday to wake up with a boner as a pillow.

"Chocolate cake and-" she snorts, causing me to
laugh whilst I cover my mouth, not expecting that outburst. "-and crayons." She whispers, sucking her lips in as I shake my head in disbelief.

"Okay." I hum, nodding my head as she starts to
say other weird things in deep sleep. "That's great, Wedns." I laugh, scrunching my nose up when I feel a vibration coming from my phone.

This seems to wake Wednesday up.

"Oh god." She groans, rubbing her tired eyes. "What time is it?" she asks, looking out at the cold night as I try not to smile at her adorable bed hair. "8pm." I reply smoothly, switching my phone off as I sent a reply to Max who's asking if I'm free tomorrow.

Wednesday groans some more and flops down on my lap, body tensing before she's pushing herself up by her elbows, staring at me with shock in her face.

Pouting, I tilt my head to the side. "What?" I mutter, nibbling on my lower lip as she grins. She points down to my crotch and winks playfully. "Hard already?" she teases, bunching her shoulders up as I thank the heavens it's nighttime and she can't see me blushing.

I swat her hand avway from where it lays above my torso and stick my tongue out to her. "I can't control my arousal, Wednesday." I huff, crossing my arms together. "Can you scoot? I'm still mad at you-"

-But I'm hot." She cuts in, waggling her eyebrows as I narrow my eyes on her. "Excuse me?" I reply, confused.

She rolls her eyes like I should get what she's trying to say. "Remember last time you were pissed at me? You said I was hot but still mad at me." She explains with a few hand gestures. "I should thank my parents for making me gorgeous since it seems to steam out the anger from you." she snickers, bopping my nose as I glare at her.

"No, even if you're hot, I can still be mad at you." I point out, crossing my legs together as Wednesday gives me this look that says Oh yeah?

She looks past me and plays with her fingers, subtly ducking her chin down as she blows out a cold air. "I know I promised not to talk about it, but I really want to." She whines, peeking at me through her long lashes.

I stare at her and shake my head, chewing on my lower lip as I feel the signs of it getting choppy-I've been biting it a couple of times today. "Sorry Wednesday, I've set boundaries, and I hope you can respect that." I whisper out, sucking in a breath I didn't know I was losing. "It just really hurts."

She rubs at her eye lids, fighting off the sleep she
still needs and tilts her chin up strongly. "I know,
I'm not asking for your forgiveness-" she scoots
closer to me, leaning by the railings. " yet." She
adds, making me half-smile.

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