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"Now that I know I wont try to commit suicide and get man-handled by a muscle dude, I'm finding my London Eye experience pretty sweet." I joke lightly, recalling that weird day like it was yesterday-and it was probably a few days ago, so no biggie.

Wednesday chuckles at this and smiles up at me,
secluding ourselves away from the family that
joined us inside as they start to take pictures
against their own end while we stay on the other.

My left hand is holding her right one as we let it
rest on top of the railings, admiring the view of
London but Wednesday's not looking at what I see.

I smirk and roll my eyes playfully. "You're staring again." I tell her for the nth time, rubbing the back of her hand in a gentle manner.

Wednesday nods and moves closer to me, resting her head on top of my shoulder as I let mine rest on her after.

"I've seen the view a million times and honestly? I'd rather stare at you instead." She replies softly, her words touching my heart as it starts to beat faster.

I sigh and jut my chin in thought. "What's gotten
into you?" I ask her, watching the birds fly as high as we are and I'm pretty sure we're at the top now. She detaches herself from me a bit and quirks an eyebrow, giggling lightly. "What do you mean?" she asks back, narrowing her eyes on me as I shrug myshoulders.

"I guess I'm just not so used to you being-" I stare
deeply into her brown orbs and smile weakly. "-like this." I gesture to her whole body as Wednesday chuckles at my words.

She combs her hair back and hums. "I guess I've
just grown." She answers me simply, almost like it was just that easy to say. "Whenever I think back to how I was in the past, it makes me want to jump off this ride." She jokes lightly and it makes me smile.

"You know I love you right?" I say in a quiet voice, almost scared for the rejection I had from her before but yet, I know everything's changed now.

"I've never stopped loving you, Wedns, and I don't think I can ever stop." I add in all honestly, bringing our clasped hands up to kiss her knuckles one by one. "And even though we've been through so much shit-" we both laugh at this. "I wouldn't have it any other way because it's made us stronger- individually and together."

Wednesday's eyes brighten up, as light as the
shining sun and she leans in to close our lips
together, letting our mouths just stay there
connected with one another to feel each other's
love. Wednesday smiles against my lips and steps back, bringing her free lithe fingers up to tuck a lose strand of hair behind my ear.

"And you know I love you too right?" she whispers back softly, resting her hand on my cheek as I lean into her touch that's just so heavenly. "I promise Enid, I'm going to make up for all the shit I've caused for the both of us." She sighs, irritated at herself, and it's just too cute.

I respond by grinning widely and bringing our lips together again, our kiss cut short by a flash on the side. We separate and turn to see what's up when we catch a boy from the family plucking out a film from his Polaroid, handing it over to us with a sly smirk.

"For memories." He tells us shortly, walking away when I accept the token and look at it with the biggest smile ever. It's just the most adorable thing I've ever seen and I just want to print a million more copies like this.

Wednesday gasps in awe. "That's so cool." She says, nibbling on her lower lip. "Think he'd give me another one?" she asks me with hopeful eyes and I laugh, loving her adorable side so much.

"I don't think he wants to waste another film on us, babe." I reply sadly, not liking the way a pout starts to form on her plump lips. I roll my eyes and giggle, shoving the picture to her face. "That's why this is yours, you silly." I coo, poking her dimples as the widest grin starts to appear on her face.

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