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"I have something funny to show you." Max tells
me as we stop by my locker to pick up a few things.

Roling my eyes, I give her the thumbs up as a go as she excitingly grabs something from inside her bag and lifts it to my face. When I close my locker and stare at the card in her hand, I'm suddenly very confused.

"Is that an Apologies Card?" I ask, furrowing my
eyebrows as I continue to stare at it.

She nods furiously at me and sticks her tongue out. "Correct you are Enid."

I sigh and rub my forehead. "Why is it funny?"
I ask, thinking deeply because this is somewhat
irritating me.

Max smirks and clucks her tongue as she replies to me, "It's from El."

My blue eyes widen as I cover my mouth to stifle the laughter that's about to come out of my lips. I avert my eyes to the card then back to Max before going back to the card again, trying to think of something to say. She didn't seriously...

"She so seriously did." Max huffs, somehow
reading my mind as she stuffs the card back in her bag. "Can't believe she thinks that by giving me a card it's going to solve everything."

Laughing, I close my locker, lockit and we continue our way down the corridors towards our next class together when I'm being halted by a cheerio-a cheerio who I have never seen before in Nevermore High.

She must be new.

"Enid Sinclair?" she says, almost asking for my recognition if she got my name right.

Both Max and I turn to face each other and look
back at her, frowning. Why would she want to talk to me?

Slowly, I nod my head. "Yeah, that's me." I stuttered, tucking a lose strand of black hair behind my ear. Max snickers beside me and elbows my ribs- causing me to hiss a bit.

It's a good thing this new girl didn't hear me.

"'Awesome." She perks, smirking smugly at me as I see people narrowing their eyes on us as they pass by, wondering why a cheerio would be talking to the likes of me.

"I'm Yoko Tanaka , a junior transfer student." She introduces herself, extending a hand out to me as I stare at it shyly. No one's ever introduced themselves to me before I do, it's usually supposed to be me doing the work. It's actually pretty soothing to know at least one person wants to be my friend now.

Smiling widely at her sweetness, I quickly grab her hand and shake it, earning a giggle from Yoko. "Eni-- I mean--"I stop from saying my name, since she already knew it. Wow, someone knows my name!

"Nice to meet you." I end up saying, biting my
lower lip as we let go but I felt her lingering a bit.

Yoko crosses her arms together and we continue
staring at each other's eyes, and it makes me tilt my head to the side because I may be a bit jealous of her eyes- are they nicer than mine? They can't be.

"Ahem." Max coughs out, making me turn my attention to her as she side-winks at me and
chuckles. I frown at her because I don't get what
she's trying to say to me.

She rolls her eyes and nudges my ribs again before leaning in to my ear as we subtly watch Yoko saying a brief hello to one of her cheerio friends.

"She's hot." She whispers, chuckling some more and if it were anyone else you'd think Max is a grade school horn-dog.

"Okay, so?" I reply, shyly waving at Yoko as she
turns her brown orbs back to us, grinning from ear to ear. "What do " I'm interrupted by an intense push from the back as I holler forward and save myself from tripping over, it's a good thing Max's a ninja.

Grabbing her arms for security, I whip my head to the left and see no other than Wednesday Addams with her hands to her hips as she and Divina stop to stare at all three of us. She scowls and grits her teeth.

And I guess you could say I'm frowning too because she's standing way too close to Divina.

"Don't you just love getting in my way, blue
eyes?" she growls, as Max helps me stand up
straight before flipping her off with her viscous
blue eyes.

"Please Wednesday, you walked right through her- that was intentional." She replies back, earning a sarcastic laugh from my crush.

She laughs and steps forward but Divina suddenly grabs her arm, silently telling her to drop it and go to class before they're too late. I narrow my eyes on their connected skins and frown deeply their colors don't mix well together at all.

Wednesday whips her arm away and steps closer to
Max and I, but shockingly, Yoko does so too but
to Wednesday.

"Wedns, stop" Yoko says, arching an eyebrow at
my crush. "She almost fell, that's enough."

Wednesday glares at Yoko and cracks her
neck to the side. "I'm the captain here, I do the
commanding." she growls, spitting some saliva out which luckily didn't hit anyone. "Not you, newbie."

Yoko bites her lower lip and frowns. "You don't
need to hurt her"

"-Yoko be quiet." Divina warns, shaking her head at the transferee. "Just don't butt in with Wednesday." She adds, green eyes telling Yoko to stop before things get messy. something like getting kicked out of the cheerios.

I tightened my hold on Max's arm and bite my
inner cheek as I plant daggers on Divina's skull,
wanting nothing more than to stab her right
now because why would Wednesday like her?
She's mean, she backtalks and she loves wearing
conservative dresses. And yes, Wedns doesn't like conservative which I'm trying to fix in my clothings because apparently, I dress up like it's winter in Antarctica. I only wear these clothes because I'm shy of my body, even if Wednesday thinks it's hot.

"That's right, listen to your co-captain and you
won't be on my death list." Wednesday growls,
pushing Momo away as she steps closer to Max
and I. She stops and was about to say something
when Yoko all of a suddern speaks up.

"If you kick me out no one's going to lift you." She mumbles, very irritably. And I'm betting she tried not to say it out loud but wanted to also at the same time and this seems to irk the Latin because there's a vein popping on her forehead and she's snickering.

"Wow, aren't you a smart ass?" Wednesday snarls, turning to face the new cheerio. "Is that why you transferred? Too smart for that old school of yours?" she chuckles darkly, licking her lips which to me is very sexy.

I can see Yoko's eye twitch as she tries her best to hold her strong façade.

Wednesday waits for a reply and they're both
having a staring contest. "Or-- you're too dumb
and they didn't need anymore nut-brains like you spreading your stupidity around?" Wednesday  fake gasps, causing Yoko's lips to tremble a bit. "Yeah, that might be it--much more logical." She hisses, looking at her once last time before Divina ugh, Divina-- decides that enough is enough and drags Wednesday away from us before she tackles the poor girl.

Yoko's still frozen in place at the center of
the hallway and I'm about to ask if she's okay
when Max stops me and nudges her chin to the
opposite direction. I furrow my eyebrows at her
in confusion. She sighs. "She's a cheerio Enid, that's only trouble" she reasons outs, already turning on the balls of her feet. "--you never know, this could just be an act."

And I hesitantly nod my head because yeah, Max's smarter than me and knows how to take care of me. I should trust her and only her but I couldn't help but peek back at Yoko who's mindless blank stare contest with the wall is snapped out by the help of one of her cheerio friends.

I smile because its good she has friends to be there for her when Wednesday's being mean like 24/7.

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