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I'm building this house on the moon
Like a lost astronaut


"Mr Cho, you're not getting paid
for chatting in the break room
and drinking all the coffee.
I'd recommend you to return
to your workplace before I find
a better solution for you"

Minho gave the man a warning
glance before continuing his walk
to the elevator, his laptop under
his arm and an iced Americano
in his other hand.

He had an important meeting
with a possible supplier but he
already knew that the chances of a
contract being signed today were low.

Documents had been missing,
the information file was incomplete
and it wasn't Minho's responsibility
to make sure everything was the
way it was supposed to be.

If they wouldn't cooperate,
it wasn't his company's loss in
the first place.

Being a CEO had never been easy
but even though the ravenette was
extremely stressed most of the time,
he enjoyed his job.

Whenever he sat in his car,
traced his fingers over the smooth
surface of the steering wheel or
turned on the engine in the quietest
way, it made him proud that he
was the man responsible
for producing this car.

Of course there were many people
working hard too so the result was
the perfect way it is but without a
CEO, there wouldn't be a car at all.

And two times in the year
Lee Minho would be absent.

Firstly for Christmas,
it was always the time he'd
visit his parents or his in-laws
together with his husband.

The second time would be two
weeks around their anniversary,
Minho would always make sure
that they'd have a wonderful
vacation there.

Tokyo in the first year,
Paris in the second, New York
and Toronto followed.

Jisung wanted to see the world
and being whipped for the blonde
chubby-cheeked beauty meant
fulfilling every single one
of his wishes.

And since both were earning
more than enough money,
their vacations were always
quite exquisite.

Jisung was working as a songwriter
and singer while also earning quite
the attention as a part-time model,
he was already famous enough
thanks to his own hard work
but being married to Lee Minho
of course gave him an extra
boost of prominence.

It was something Minho had
always admired about his husband.

Jisung wasn't born in a rich,
famous family, not even in a
family that had been able to
afford college for their only son.

He had worked two jobs beside
school so he could pay the college
fees and his parents had given
anything to support their child
even if they had almost nothing.

He was an accident after all,
a baby from two way too young
parents that were barely ready
for their own life.

Yet Jisung was one of the most
popular people in Korea now.

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