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Love at a temperature that
can melt when touched
Take me to you, way below
to the end of the ground
It’s okay if everything burns down
Even if I go back hundreds of times,
my choice is always you


"T-this..oh my god..
.. I think I need to puke."

Jisung disappeared in a matter
of seconds, unbelievably fast for
a heavily pregnant person.

And Minho honestly couldn't blame
him, the article Hyunjin had sent
him had made him nauseous too.

All those months they had been
so damn careful but it just needed
one harmless little shopping trip
for it all to be ruined.

It was just a simple, blurry photo
of two people walking hand in hand,
the smaller man with the white
shirt and black cap looking
directly into the camera.

And even though he was wearing
a mask, if you knew him you could
recognize Jisung by his eyes.

It wasn't obvious but it was
noticeable, much different to
the prominent baby bump that
was very much obvious under
his stretched shirt.

Minho tossed his phone aside and
followed his husband, cringing when
he could already hear Jisung throw
up without any pause.

"My poor baby."

He pouted as he knelt down
beside the love of his life and
rubbed his back gently.

"It'll be okay. We'll be fine."

"B-but the kitten-"

But the brunette couldn't even
finish his sentence before going
back to retching painfully.

"I'll contact our lawyer later
but Sungie.. It wasn't like we
could have hidden the fact
forever that we have a kid.
And maybe it's not that bad.
They know now that we're
parents but they don't know
anything about our son.
The news about us having a baby
won't be top news forever."

Jisung sniffled softly and wiped his
mouth before he flushed the toilet.

He didn't protest when Minho
pulled him on his lap and kissed
his cheek gently as he carefully
rubbed the baby bump.

"We'll be fine, I promise you.
I'll do anything to keep you
two safe, my love."

And he could only rock him gently in
his arms as the brunette cried quietly.

"Do you think you can get an
appointment for us within the
next week? It's really urgent
and Jisung is very overwhelmed
with the whole situation. I don't
want him to stress so much, it's
really bad for him and the baby."

"Calm down, Minho.
He was my high school best
friend, he'll help me. And you
have the money, I can promise
you that he'll drop everything
to help you."

Hyunjin gave his friend a
reassuring smile but it didn't
calm the ravenette one bit.

He was glad Jisung was currently
sleeping deeply in their bedroom,
their cats snuggled up to him
and keeping him company.

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