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'Cause you are
You're perfect in my eyes
You are
Don't ever doubt yourself


"Hm.. Kitten.."

"It's okay, Sungie.
I'll take care of him,
go back to sleep."

Minho hushed his lovely husband
and placed a soft kiss on his forehead
before he left the bed to get their
tiny unhappy boy.

He was probably just hungry and
the couple was very thankful for
Jeongin's idea about bottle feeding.

Because yeah, Akemi would take
the bottle without any problem
most of the time.

And Minho was extremely happy
that he could let his husband
sleep some more.

"Let's go get your bottle, tiny cutie.
Your mommy needs some
rest so shh."

He smiled down at his little boy
as he picked Akemi up and pecked
his head before he rested him
against his shoulder.

"Do you know what we'll do
tomorrow? Your uncle Hyunjin
and his Seungmin are going to
visit us. They're very excited
to meet you, you know?
Because you're just so cute."

Akemi stared at his daddy with
big confused eyes, forgetting for a
moment that he was actually upset
and only whined when Minho
kissed his tiny button nose.

"Let's heat up your milk, hm?
Warm yummy milk is the best."

He chuckled as he rocked his son
softly in one arm while he put the
bottle in warm water to heat it up.

It was one of the bottles Jisung
had chosen, little happy lion
faces decorating it.

The tiny boy in his arms only
whined softly, resting his head
on his daddy's shoulder.

And while Minho waited for the
milk to get warm, a sleepy Dori
waddled inside the kitchen with
a big yawn escaping him.

"Hey big boy.
Did we wake you up?"


"Sorry. But your little brother
is hungry, hm?"

The gray cat tilted his head softly as
he stared at the small whimpering
bundle in his owner's arms but
immediately followed closely
when Minho left the kitchen
with the bottle in his hand.

It had become their little routine
that the ravenette would always
feed his son in the nursery, he
had begun to love the rocking
chair they had gotten.

He knew that Jisung loved it just
as much when it came to lulling
their little kitten to sleep.

"There you go, bub.
Sweet milk for a sweet boy."

And Minho decided that his son
did not need to know why he knew
that Jisung's milk was sweet.

Dori meowed softly before he
jumped on the windowsill so he
could make himself comfortable
on the cat bed there from where
he had the perfect view of
his baby brother.

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