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I long to hear your voice
But still I make the choice
To bury my love
In the Moondust


"My parents bought such
a beautiful tree."

"They did, I'm excited to decorate
it with you. I wish our little
kitten could see it."

Minho pouted softly as he wrapped
his arms around his husband's waist
from behind and rested his chin
on Jisung's shoulder.

His hands stayed on the younger's
tummy as they did a lot lately now
that Jisung was spotting a very
tiny baby bump.

It was still far from obvious
but if you knew, you knew.

"It's technically kitten's
first Christmas."

"And next year we can cuddle up
on the couch with some hot chocolate
and watch the tree together with
our tiny kitten."

Jisung hummed softly when he
felt a kiss being pressed on
his chubby cheek.

They were celebrating Christmas
with the younger's parents this year
and the two soon-to-be grandparents
were overly excited to have the
couple staying with them.

And Minho had to remind them
quite a lot to leave his husband
alone if the blonde needed
time for himself.

He wasn't used to getting so
much attention and he also wasn't
comfortable with so many people
trying to touch his tummy.

He loved his parents but that
didn't mean that he wanted to
be touched without asking.

Their little kitten should rest
and sleep most of the time, if
someone was allowed to disturb
then it was Minho.

"I'll do the fairy lights, you put
the baubles and ornaments?
I don't want you to stand on
a ladder, love."


Jisung leaned over to place a
soft peck on his husband's cheek
before he disappeared to get
some ornaments.

Those dark red baubles always
warmed his heart, it reminded
him of his childhood.

Yeah, his family didn't have a lot
of money and they hadn't even
been able to afford anything else
than those red baubles so they
had decorated the tree with apples
as well but the blonde was still happy.

He was thankful for everything
his parents did for him.

And he'd keep this tradition,
their little kitten should learn
that it's not actually money that
makes a Christmas tree beautiful.

Jisung's mom leaned,
unknownst to the couple,
against the doorframe as she
watched her son put the ornaments
carefully on the tree while Minho
was busy untangling the fairy lights.

There was a pretty smile on her
face when she noticed how one of
her son's hands rested on his
tiny baby bump.

He'd be an amazing father,
she was absolutely sure about that.

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