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Even if I’ve seen it a hundred times
I still lack so much
The scars of the wounds
that covered my heart
As if only you could notice them


"Baby, give me your bag."

"But Min, it's not that heavy."

But the ravenette shook his
head softly as he took the black
bag from his husband.

"You shouldn't carry heavy things
anymore and you know that.
Have you changed into some
proper clothes already?"

"No, I don't want to take my
sweatpants off, they're so comfy."

"Then leave them on, it's just
a flight and nobody will
recognize us anyway."

"But I don't want to look like
some loser, I do care about my
appearance even if nobody
knows I'm Han Jisung."

"Han-Lee Jisung."

Minho corrected with a smile
and placed a soft kiss on his
husband's lips before he grabbed
the remaining luggage to
bring it down.

Meanwhile the other huffed in
annoyance about the dilemma and
waddled back into his walk-in closet
to look for some clothes suitable
and comfy for the flight.

"Do we feel like wearing pink
today, kitten? No? Okay..
...Then we'll wear daddy's black
hoodie, it's very comfy and baggy
enough to hide your existence.
But which pants.."

Jisung hummed softly as he
rummaged through the tons of
pants, hoping to magically find
the one that wouldn't press uncomfortably against his baby
bump while also looking a bit decent.

In the end he had two pants to try on,
some light gray baggy jeans and black
ripped jeans he hadn't worn in ages
but at least they had a more
stretchy waistband.

His tiny son was squirming happily
in his mommy's belly as Jisung took
the hoodie and the pants out of
his closet so he could change.

"Found some pants?"

"These two, I think.. I hope they fit."

The blonde corrected himself and
pecked his husband's cheek
when Minho pouted.

"Have you seen my passport?"

"Already packed in my bag, my love."

"You're the best, Min."

"I know."

And the older male only giggled
cheekily and patted Jisung's butt
when the other called him

Minho watched with a smirk how
his husband got rid of his pants
to put the gray jeans on.

Or at least he tried.

"Guess you're not going to
Thailand with us."

The boy huffed as he sat back
down on the bed to wriggle himself
out of the pants that apparently
didn't fit anymore.

"Now you better not disappoint
me or we'll have a big problem."

Jisung frowned at the black pants
his husband handed him, not
even smiling when Minho
kissed his shoulder.

Of course he knew that the day
would eventually come where
he wouldn't be able to wear his
normal clothes anymore, where
his favorite pants wouldn't close
anymore and his shirts wouldn't
fit over his tummy as they used to.

But still he wasn't ready.

It was the first step into letting
the world know about their son.

And winter was slowly ending too,
he was due in June and there was
no way he'd be able to hide
his baby bump then.

Only if he wouldn't leave the house
after returning from Thailand.

"Oh Sungie.."

Minho stood up to wrap his arms
gently around his husband when
the blonde started to cry softly,
his pants not even close to fitting.

"It's about time to put some
maternity pants on, hm?
You're doing so well, my love.
You're taking such good care
of our little kitten, that's why
he's growing so well. He's healthy. because he got the best mommy
in the world, Sungie."

Sparkling tears were still rolling
down the blonde's cheeks when
Minho cupped his face with one
hand, his other hand going to
rest on the little baby bump.

"But.. People will find out.."

"Love, nobody will find out.
You're wearing my baggy hoodie
which hides this tiny kitten in
there perfectly well and the
pants you bought look just
like normal pants. I remember
you said that you were willing
to pay a bit more just so they
don't exactly look like
maternity pants."

The blonde sniffled softly before
he leaned into the soft touch when
Minho pressed his lips against his
husband's, kissing him ever so
gently as if he was afraid to break
the precious man in his arms.

"Sit down, I'll go get your pants."

And while the older male
disappeared into their walk-in
closet to get the said pants, Jisung
let himself fall backwards
on their mattress.

He was excited to finally go to
Thailand, to just take a little break
from his busy life that had somehow
gotten a lot more stressful ever
since he got pregnant.

Laying on the beach in the
shadow of some palm trees,
watching the leaves rustle in
the gentle sea breeze while
listening to the waves crashing
without having to hide from
anyone sounded like a dream.

Maybe Minho would bring him
some fresh watermelon juice and
ask him if he was allowed to
put some sunscreen on his
husband's baby bump.

He'd never waste an opportunity to
give their son some attention after all.

"Hyunjin will be here an hour
after we leave, just to make sure
everything is okay with the kitties.

And every evening like always
until he's leaving too. Changbin
has the key?"

"Yeah, I wrote him a long-ass
instruction on what to do and
what not to do too. I think they
will all be fine. And I demanded
daily pictures."

"That's good, I know how much
they hate being alone."

"At least they got each other, hm?"

Jisung huffed cutely as he sat up so
he could put his maternity pants on.

Of course they fitted and the boy
couldn't help but exhale in relief
when the stretchy part covered
his little bump well without
pressing on it uncomfortably.

"Now let's go, my sweet love.
Thailand is waiting for us."


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