« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫»

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I’m the drought, you’re rain
I’m paper, you’re a poem
Your attention changes the brightness
of my empty heart, you’re light
Your arms, my home,
my breath, my god
You grabbed me when I was falling
Fly again


"So..how was your vacation
with Seungmin? How was France?"

Minho wriggled his eyebrows when
his assistant only blushed furiously,
now typing even more determined
on his laptop.

"It was.. It was okay."

"Only okay?"

"No, it was amazing. Minnie-
Seungmin and I had such great
cheese and the wine was amazing.
We went to so many cafes, tried cakes
and coffees and visited the Louvre.
The eiffel tower was honestly a
little disappointing but then again
it was so cold there that we didn't
visit many sights that weren't indoor.
I guess we just had a wonderful
time together. And Strasbourg
was nice too, it feels a lot smaller
and more peaceful than Paris.
It's nice for taking walks."

Hyunjin sighed as he rested his
chin on his palm, staring dreamingly
out of the large windows.

"Minnie, huh?"

The ravenette chuckled
when Hyunjin only whined
in embarrassment and hid
his face behind his hands.

"It's okay, it's kinda cute.
So.. Are you two.. A thing now?"

But the now blonde shook
his head softly.

"We agreed on taking things slow.
Seungmin went through a lot
and without spilling too much,
his experience with relationships
wasn't really great so far.
But he's giving me a chance
and I'm giving him time, I'm
really happy about that."

And Minho was really happy
for his friend too.

He knew that Hyunjin had longed
for a true love for years, practically
since they knew each other the
younger male had always been in
a state of searching for someone
who could complete him, someone
he could complete.

But people were too focused on
visuals and money these days to
actually care about a deep
connection to their partner.

And even though he didn't
know Seungmin that well, he
was Jisung's close friend and
Minho trusted his husband.

If Hyunjin was happy,
he was happy for him too.

He deserved it, he really did.

"I'm glad, we should go on a

couple date when you two are
officially together. I think
that'd be fun."

"If you find a babysitter,
I don't think we'll start dating
before your baby comes."

"Guess we'll have a couple date
at our apartment then, there's no
way I'm letting anyone else besides
Jisung take care of our little one."

"If you cook I don't see a problem."

Hyunjin chuckled before his
gaze returned to the file that
was open on his laptop.

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