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So I can melt into you
Hug my body
Even if it hurts, It’s okay
Among the cold and harsh waves
I need your heat
You are my volcano



Jisung whimpered softly as he
sat up with much difficulty,
noticing that the lamp on his
husband's bedside table
was still on.

"Yes, my love?"

And the ravenette immediately
turned away from his phone
when his Sungie hissed in pain.


But Jisung only shook his head
as he grabbed his husband's hand
and squeezed it tightly.

"I-is this.. Is this a contraction?"

"I think so.."

This was new, the brunette hadn't
had contractions yet so of course
he started to panic the moment
the pain ebbed away.

"Min, we.. We need to go to
the hospital, the kitten- I.."

"Shh love, this is your
first contraction, right?"

Jisung nodded quickly,
unshed tears glistening in his
eyes as he rubbed his baby
bump gently.

"Maybe it's just a Braxton hicks
contraction, Dr Byeon told us that
your body will have some exercise
contractions to prepare for the
actual birth. Let's see if there'll
be another one later, hm?"

"Hopefully not, they hurt."

Jisung pouted as he leaned into
the warm touch when his husband
cupped his chubby cheeks gently.

"I'm sorry, my love.
You're doing so good,
you know that, right?"

He smiled sadly at the younger
one and placed a long kiss on his
forehead when Jisung only
sniffled softly.

"Lay back down, I'll be there
in a minute. Let me just get
something really quick."


The brunette tilted his head in
confusion when his husband
disappeared without another
word but still got back under the
covers as he had been told and
adjusted his pregnancy pillow
for maximum comfort.

Being heavily pregnant was no fun,
not at all.

Jisung wouldn't have guessed two
months ago that his back pains could
still increase so much but here he
was now, having a hard time
standing or walking longer
than ten minutes without
needing a break.

But even when he was laying,
it was hard to get comfortable.

No matter how, their not so tiny kitten
was somewhat always in the way.

"I brought someone."


And Jisung could only giggle sleepily
when his husband placed the jaguar
plushie he had gotten for their
son on his baby bump.

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