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I have dreams about the days
Driving through your sunset breeze


'Unexpectedly expecting - What now?'

Jisung had read the title over and
over again, yet again he could bring
himself to unfold the piece of paper.

He hadn't even managed to look at
the other flyer Dr Kim had given
him after he had seen the big
white word printed on it.


There was a mess in the blonde's
head, a storm raging in his heart
and mind.

And he just didn't know what
to think anymore.

"Sungie love? Ah, here you are-"

But Minho halted in his movements
when his husband hurriedly hid the
flyers under his blanket, praying that
the ravenette didn't see them.

Didn't see him reading them.

Which in fact he didn't, he just really
didn't want to talk about it right now.

"Are you okay? You look pale to me,
did you take the meds?"

Jisung nodded softly but avoided
looking at the older male at all costs.

"Maybe we should go to bed early
today then, you need lots of rest and
I have to leave even earlier tomorrow
because of an inspection. I'll still
prepare your breakfast though, I
promise. Please eat everything, hm?"

But instead of nodding, the small
blonde only sighed and laid down.

"Jisungie, talk to me.
There's something bugging you
and I don't know how to help you."

Dori meowed in agreement as he
carefully jumped over Jisung's legs
just to curl up beside him.

A small kiss was being placed on
the boy's forehead, making him
flutter his eyes open but just as
he looked into his husband's
chocolate eyes, he felt a pair of
warm lips on his as well.

"My sweet boy, I'm here for you.

Minho carefully cupped his
husband's cheek while he brushed
a few stray strands of golden hair
behind his ear, the worry obvious
on his face.

"And if there's something you need
to get off your chest, always find me,
yeah? I love you, Jisung.
I love you so much."

Another gentle peck was being
placed on Jisung's lips before Minho
stood up again to change into
his pajamas.

But his husband's words only
stressed the blonde even more.

He so desperately wanted to get
things off his chest but then again,
he wasn't ready to have this talk
yet when he didn't even know
himself what he truly wanted.

All he knew was that the whole
situation was overwhelming
him completely.

And he just wanted to lay in
his husband's arms and cry in
hope to escape this feeling
of unconsciousness.

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