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I long to hear your voice,
but still I make the choice
To bury my love
In the Moondust


It was still dark outside,
rain was hitting the large windows
and leaving soft drumming noises
in the hospital room when Jisung
fluttered his eyes open just
to shut them close again.

His eyes were aching so much,
as if he hadn't slept in years.

"Uh.. Min?"

But the only answer he got was
the rhythmic beeping sound
of the heart monitor.

"W-what.. Happened?
Where am I?"

Jisung frowned when he felt
something being wrapped around
his tummy, something similar to a
belt but there was a plastic thingy
fixed by it on the lower part
of his belly.

"What is going on? Min?"

He pushed the blanket aside
to pull his shirt up so he could
observe the thing on his tummy
for a moment before he carefully
stood up and unplugged the
cables that connected him
with the monitors.

A shrill alarm started,
startling the poor boy to death
and before he could even move,
a nurse already ripped the door
open just to gasp loudly.

"M-mr Han-Lee.. Is everything okay?
Please sit back down.."

She rushed over to the man's side
and helped him back to bed,
noting that every single cable
and tub had been disconnected
which was the reason the heart
monitor was protesting so loudly.

"Stay here, let me just..
..That's much better."

The young brunette chuckled
after she had reset the monitor
so it finally shut up.

"Why did you leave the bed,
do you need anything?
Are you in pain?
Feeling nauseous?"

"Where's my husband?"

Jisung didn't even know why
he suddenly started to tear up,
all he knew was that the whole
situation was overwhelming him
and he suddenly felt a lot more
emotional out of nowhere.

"Mr Lee went to your home,
he'll come and visit you in the
morning. But you have to rest a
little more, it's only 3am."

The blonde sniffled softly as he
rubbed his eyes with both hands,
making the nurse coo silently
at her patient.

"W-what happened?
Why am I here?"

"Mr Han-Lee, please calm down.
You fainted in your office yesterday,
a colleague found you and called
an ambulance. The doctor will visit
you soon to talk about your
current condition, okay?
But for now please lay back down,
I'll put the heart monitor back on
just in case and it'd be good if
you'd get some more sleep.
You really need it."

Jisung only nodded softly as he let
the nurse connect the cables again
and covered her patient with
the blanket.

"If you need anything, just press
the red button here, okay?
Then a nurse will immediately
come to look after you."

"O-okay, thank you."

The blonde watched how the
kind nurse turned off the light
before she closed the door,
leaving him alone with his
thousands of thoughts in
the dark hospital room.

He wondered what was wrong
with his tummy that he had to
wear that belt-like thing, especially
since he was sick so often the past
weeks there might actually be
something seriously wrong with him.

But the main thought standing
above all the others in his head
was how much Jisung missed
his husband.

It wasn't only that he was scared
and overwhelmed with the whole
situation and badly needed Minho's
comfort, he was also not used to not
falling asleep in his husband's embrace.

He missed those soft good night
kisses, he missed their cat's purrs
as they slept at the end of their bed,
he missed Minho's strong arms
around his small waist.


"Sungie! Love, are you okay?
Do you feel a bit better?"

Minho practically sprinted to
the hospital bed so he could engulf
his husband in a tight hug and only
chuckled when Jisung immediately
nuzzled his face against the
older's tummy.

"I missed you so much"

The blonde muttered,
his lip already quivering as
he looked up and when Minho
cupped his cheek gently while
running his other hand through
the male's light hair, he couldn't
help but start crying softly.

"Don't cry, my love.
It's okay, I'm here."

"I-I want to go home, Min.."

"I know, Sungie. I know.
Has the doctor visited you already?"

But Jisung only shook his head
softly as more tears rolled down his
chubby cheeks, leaving shimmering
traces behind on the rosy skin.

"Do you know why I fainted?
The nurse said I got unconscious
in my office yesterday but I don't. know why? Iis something seriously
wrong with me? I've been sick
so often lately a-and.."

"Hush, love.
Take a deep breath for me, okay?"

Minho held his husband's head
close to his body to help him calm
down and placed a soft kiss on
Jisung's blonde hair.

"There's nothing wrong with you,
love. You're not sick, you've just
been overworking yourself.
But there's actually another thing
you should know about.."

Jisung whimpered softly when
his husband let go of him, his eyes. immediately widening in fear when
Minho wordlessly sat down beside
him on the bed and took his
hand in his.

"I-is it something related to
this thingy on my tummy?"

The ravenette's heart skipped a
beat when the younger male lifted. his shirt a bit to show him
what he meant.

"I.. I guess so?"

But alone that was enough
information to make Jisung
cry even harder.

"Sungie love, you're not sick.
You.. You're not going to die
or anything. It's just.."

Minho carefully cupped his
husband's cheek to lift the
younger's head up so he
could face him.

"There- There's someone in there..
.. In your tummy.."


Jisung's eyes were wide open
in fear and confusion, unshed tears
sparkling in them as he leaned into
the other's warm touch.

"Y-you're pregnant, Sungie."

Baby bean is on the way :)

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