« 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞»

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Look at the stars fall
They leave the sky, goodbye
Must be an oracle, like a waterfall
They shower you with love tonight


"Everyone, meet Akemi.
Akemi, these are your weird
annoying uncles."

Minho giggled as he entered the
living room with the tiny sleepy
baby in his arms, his heart
jumping seeing almost all the
eyes in the room grow wide.

Only Jisung sat in his favorite
armchair with a tired
smile on his face.

Of course he had been so excited
to introduce his baby to their friends
but now he was just exhausted,
too sleepy to even have a proper
conversation with his friends.

So he'd just watch how one after
another they slowly gathered around
Minho to have a better look at tiny
baby Akemi, eventually hiding
the little one completely
from Jisung's eyes.

"He's so tiny."

"And so damn cute."

"Jisung did an amazing job."

The brunette looked up when
he heard his name and was met
with his husband's sparkling eyes
and gentle smile as he stepped
closer to place their little son
in his mommy's arms.

"It's all Sungie's work."

And Jisung could only blush
in embarrassment.

It felt strange to get praised for
bringing his own baby into the world,
it wasn't like he had invented a
new technique to heal cancer.

It was just their son,
the small human he had made
with his husband and carried for
nine months until he had helped
him into the world.

"He looks a lot like you, Minho."

Hyunjin noted when the
tiny boy yawned cutely.

"He only got the chubby cheeks
from his mommy."

And despite the more than
adorable little human in front
of him, Changbin had only eyes
for one adorable human being.

His beautiful boyfriend.

He could see the sparkles in
the younger's eyes as he stared
at the tiny bundle in Jisung's arms
with this heartwarming smile
on his face.

It was as if he was about to
melt at the cute sight.

And it was breaking the older's heart.

Ever since that incident with
Jisung Felix hadn't mentioned
the whole baby topic ever again.

It was as if children suddenly didn't
exist anymore in his vocabulary.

But despite his silence Changbin
could still see it, he could sense the
longing every time someone passed
by with a stroller or when a family
post occasionally popped up on
the freckled boy's Instagram.

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