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I've been a little lonely lately
I can't sleep in this bed
I remember every night we ever spent
And, oh, I'm hearing every
word you told me
It's stuck in my head
All your promises were broken
in the end



"Yeah, Dori.
That's your little brother.
He's sleeping right now so we gotta
be very careful and quiet, hm?"

Minho smiled as he placed his son's
car seat down on their couch beside
Jisung and sat down on the other side.

Doongie, being the most curious
one out of the three cats, immediately
climbed on the ravenette's lap and
sniffed on the little hand that was
sticking out from under the blanket,
a soft meow escaping him.

"He's cute, right?
And he smells so good."

Jisung chuckled when Dori and
Soonie now also looked at the tiny
sleeping human curiously, swinging
their tails subconsciously as they
stepped on their owner's thighs.

"But he can't play with you guys
yet, he's still too small. So you
need to be gentle with him."

The gray cat meowed in approval
when Minho booped his nose and
started to lick the ravenette's hand
for whatever reason.

"They're so curious."

"But really careful and gentle,
it's so cute. They're truly the best."

"They are, our fur babies.
Will you help us take care of
your little brother, hm? Will
you still give him cuddles now
that he's actually here?"

Jisung asked Soonie, still
remembering how the orange
cat had loved to sleep curled
around the brunette's baby
bump or how he had sometimes
even licked the stretched skin
gently to show his unborn
baby brother affection.

He had also already tested the cat
bed in the nursery from where the
cats had the perfect view over the
whole room and the crib.

All three cats immediately stepped
back in caution when Akemi started
to move slightly in his sleep, wriggling
his little legs as he whined softly.

"He's waking up."

Minho smiled and petted Doongie
gently, his eyes never leaving
his tiny son.

"Hi little one.
Did you have a nice nap?
This is your home, bub.
And these three are your
big brothers."

Doongie looked up at his owner
for a moment for approval before
he carefully started to lick on the
tiny human hand, purring when
Akemi moved his small fingers.

The little boy fluttered his beautiful
feline eyes open when Soonie pushed
his nose under the baby blanket to
observe the baby some more and
Jisung couldn't help but smile
when his son squeaked cutely.

"Soonie, gently."

The brunette pushed the cat a bit
back by his chest when he made
attempts to climb inside the car
seat but as much as they loved
their cats, they wouldn't allow
them to sit on their baby Akemi.

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