« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 »

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I’ll protect you
It’s okay to hurt, I’ll embrace
the wounds you shed
To me, you’re already a sin,
I can’t refuse because you’re
sweeter than evil
You can burst into flames,
you can wound me next to you


"What's taking him so long?"

Jisung pouted as he let himself
fall back on their bed, his hands
staying on his baby bump.

He was annoyed and getting
impatient, his husband had
promised to be home before 3pm
but now it was already half past.

And not only was he in desperate
need of cuddles, his chest had
started to ache again too.

Something that had happened
quite a few times already but it
was really getting annoying.

The brunette had already taken
a bath earlier in hope that the
warmth of the water would help
but nothing really changed besides
getting an overly active little kitten.

Yeah, their son surely loved
bathing a lot.

"Your daddy is so annoying.
Why can he never keep his
promises, hm? He got me pregnant
so he should be taking care
of me now, right?"

Tiny kitten kicked harshly
in agreement, making his
mommy wince.

"Gently bub. But now that you
mention it.. Do we want a snack?
I'm sure we do.."

Jisung chuckled as he sat up with
much difficulty and waddled to their
kitchen, one hand resting on his
baby bump and the other
one supporting his back.

Pregnancy definitely changed
him a lot.

Because right now he couldn't
care less that he was only in his
underwear and one of Minho's
baggy shirts, his hair tousled and
his face puffy from sleeping
although it was already afternoon.

"Hm.. Pudding?
No, daddy ate all of them..
Oh, I know something. How
does banana ice-cream sound?"

His little son kicked softly against
his palm when Jisung patted his
belly gently before he took the
ice-cream out of his freezer.

"Do we? No, pffff."

Another thing the Jisung from
a year ago wouldn't have done:

eating ice-cream right out of the tub.

Just like grabbing two packs of
frozen spinach for his aching chest.

With his frozen food in his hands
he waddled back to their bedroom,
planning to continue his anime as he
waited for his husband to come home.

"Soonie bub, move a bit.
I'm heavy, you really don't want
me to sit on you. Did your mom
not tell you to offer your seat
to a pregnant person?"

The brunette chuckled as he sat
down beside the orange kitty,
pushing him gently aside after
he had stored the cold items
on the blanket.

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