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I long to hear your voice,
But still I make the choice
To bury my love
In the Moondust


It was weird.

Yeah, technically it was just
a normal work day but to Jisung
every minute felt strange.

"So this is how a day works
for a pregnant person"

The blonde stated as he watched his
husband pour coffee in only his mug.

"That's right, my love.
You have the choice between
mint tea or hibiscus tea.
Or do you prefer something
stomach-calming? Did you have
morning sickness today?"

"Fortunately not, it's the first
time in three weeks. But I don't
get my hopes up too high, sooner
or later I'll hug the toilet again
because my stomach is disagreeing
with whatever."

Jisung hummed happily when
Minho pecked his lips as he got
the two steaming cups.

It was Sunday, the only day the
two had the time to have a nice
relaxing breakfast together and
their talk last night had affected
the older's mood quite a lot
in a good way.

"I hope your tummy agrees with
some waffles, warm cherry jam
and blueberries."

Jisung's eyes lit up cutely when
a plate was placed in front of him.

Apparently the little one in his
belly had a sweet tooth just like
him because he was craving for
sweet things a lot more lately.

Minho just barely allowed him to eat
sweet stuff because it was unhealthy
and made his stomach protest.

"Enjoy, my love.
The cherry jam will get cold."

Not being allowed to drink any
coffee was already a big change
in Jisung's daily routine.

But there were many other small
changes he had to accept somehow.

That's how he ended up in front of
their full-body mirror after taking a
shower, his hands squeezing
the flesh on his hips.

He had definitely gained weight
even though he had barely
eaten regular meals.

His abs had begun to disappear
as well, instead he was now feeling
a layer of soft, slightly chubby
fat covering them.

This was definitely not something
the blonde was very happy about,
he had always been someone not
really self-confident about his body.

The truth of being a model was hard,
especially when there'll always
be people making fun of you.

It was just a matter of time until
someone would notice his weight
gain and comment about it in
public so the whole world could
start speculating.

Jisung had worked out for years
to gain a physique he felt more
confident in but he knew that it
was time to say goodbye to
the body he had now.

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