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I can’t live without you
You’re the only one, even if I die
Even if I’m reborn over and over again,
it’s only you
I want to give only to you
My heart is burning
When I’m thinking of you, my mind is
Like a volcano


"So, the private room?
Are you really sure about that?
You can take your time, you don't
have to decide today, love."

"No, I'm sure. I like Jeongin,
he's really sweet. He makes
me feel comfortable."


"The midwife, Mr Yang.
He told me to call him
Jeongin if I want."

And Jisung only chuckled when
his husband eyed him strangely
as they stopped at a red light.

"No need to get jealous, Min.
We've been married for five
years already and whose baby
am I having?"


"Correct, Jeongin is just going to
help me to get him out, that's all.
It's just.. I feel relieved now.
I was so worried about this,
about letting a stranger see and
touch me in such an intimate and
vulnerable moment. But now that
I've met Jeongin, I think it's going
to be okay. And I feel safer being
in the hospital because if something
goes wrong-"

"Nothing will go wrong, my love.
Don't say that."

"You don't know that, Min.
And if something happens,
the doctors are just a few
rooms away. Plus they have
a nice bathtub too."

Minho sighed as he lifted his
husband's hand up and placed
a soft kiss on the back of it.

"Okay, I'll call the hospital later then.
But there's one thing though…
I'm not allowed to stay during
the nights, I'll have to leave when
the visiting hours are over."



"Min, we pay tons of money
for a private room. There's a
spare bed they'll bring for the
room, I asked Jeongin. Also I
want my son's daddy by his side
when he sleeps in an actual
bed for the first time."

"I'm glad. I don't think I'd be able to
leave you two when he's finally here."

And Jisung's heart fluttered when
he noticed the certain smile he
had seen quite frequently on
his husband's face lately.

His 'whipped dad smile' as the
brunette secretly liked to call it.

"When he's finally here…
I can't believe that'll be in less
than ten weeks. And it's even
harder to imagine that he'll
still grow more. Our tiny kitten
is not that tiny anymore."

The brunette chuckled softly as
he placed his free hand on top of
his baby bump, patting it gently.



"I saw a baby store on the way
to the hospital, can we stop there?
I know we agreed on ordering
everything online but the shop
was really small and there were
barely any people-"



"Sungie, I'm not your mom,
you don't have to ask me for
permission. If you want to go
look, we can go. I'd love to shop
in peace and person too for our
kitten. It's a difference if you can
actually feel the fabric of the
clothes and check their quality.
And I really want to get him
another plushie."

"Another one? He already has..

"Three aren't enough."

Jisung giggled cutely when his
husband kissed his hand gently.

The two stopped at the small shop
and even before they entered, the
brunette tugged excitedly on his
husband's hand.

Just as Jisung had already said
there were almost no people in
the shop, in fact they were the
only ones besides the cashier
and another customer at the
back of the room.

"Is there something we actually need?
Besides the plushie.."

"We could get another bottle
and we need a pacifier. We
haven't gotten a single one yet."

Minho nodded as his gaze
wandered around in the shop,
looking for the pacifier section.

Once his eyes fell on the
'pacifiers and oral care' sign he
led his husband there just for
Jisung to start squealing quietly
at all the cute designs.

"Min, they're so cute!
They're all so cute, how can
we decide on one?"

"I think we need more than one,
Sungie. But I personally like this one."

Minho picked up the light orange
pacifier with a cute cat face printed
on it to show it to his husband.

Of course it was one with a cat theme.

"It's cute, we'll get this one for sure.
And… This one?"

The brunette pointed at a blue
pacifier with colorful little fishes
on it, liking the way the color of the
fishes sparkled slightly in the light
like real fish scales.

"I love it, we'll get it too.
Now to the plushies?"

"Yeah. But they're for our kitten,
not for you, alright?"

"Yes, mommy."

Minho chuckled when his
husband blushed brightly and
squeezed his hand gently.

And while the older male went
over to pick a plushie for his son,
Jisung decided to get another bottle.

Or maybe two or three.

But could anyone blame him
when they had bottles with lions,
clouds and even one with cute
squirrels on it?

Also if his husband would
complain, he'd just tell him that
their son wanted to have
these bottles.

He had been kicking in excitement
whenever Jisung had asked him
if he liked the bottles.

And Minho could never say
no to anything when it came
to their tiny kitten.

The brunette just hoped that his
husband wouldn't spoil their son
too much later on.

In the end the couple left the shop
with a few small things packed in
a bag, a jaguar plushie included,
happy smiles adoring their faces
and their hands tightly intertwined.

But what the two didn't realize
as they made their way to the car
was that someone had been
watching them all the time.

And Jisung would regret turning
around to the familiar clicking
of someone taking a photo
with a camera. 


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