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Light it up for me
Brighter, more please
Light it up for me more brightly
Even the dark night doesn’t scare me
if I’m with you


"Mr Han-Lee, Mr Lee!
It's good to see you, please sit down.
How have you two been?"

Dr Byeon asked the couple as he
searched for the right documents,
not noticing his patient's
excited smiles.

Especially Minho couldn't stop
himself from subconsciously
squeezing his husband's hand tightly,
he was just so excited to finally
see his little kitten again.

"Today's the 17th of February,
that means you're… twenty
weeks pregnant now."


"Have you felt any fetal
movements already?
The little one should move already,
even if not very strong yet."

"Yes, actually I felt the baby
move today for the first time."


Jisung nodded with a soft smile
when his husband looked at him
like a cat who was about to get a treat.

"When I was in the studio I felt
a fluttering and those little.. Taps?
I guess it was the little one kicking."

"Yeah, it sounds like it was
your baby moving. But besides
that everything is fine so far?
How's the morning sickness?
Cravings? Pains?"

Dr Byeon smiled at the sweet
couple across him before he scribbled
something down on a paper.

"No more morning sickness but
I'm quite into everything banana
flavored lately.. Still."

Jisung chuckled embarrassed as he
rubbed his tiny baby bump gently.

"And my back starts to hurt from
time to time when I stand for too
long but it's not really bad so far.
I guess my mood swings cause
more emotional pain."

It wasn't horrible but it was still
hard simply because Minho
wasn't used to his sweet husband
being so snappy.

From one moment to another
Jisung would scream at him to
change his shirt into another one
but when the ravenette did so,
his husband would sob his
beautiful little heart out that
he was sorry and liked the
other shirt better.

And then there was this thing
about the cat food.

Every day the small blonde
would complain about the smell
of it when he needed to feed their
cats but when Minho dared to do
the task, he'd get an earful because
how could he steal Jisung's
favorite duty of the day?

"That's something you'll have
to get used to, there's nothing I
can do about that. Shall we have
a look at the little one now?"

The two soon-to-be parents nodded
eagerly and Minho held his hand
out to help his husband stand up
like the gentleman he was.

Jisung laid down on the examination
table as he was told and lifted his
hoodie up to reveal his cute
little baby bump.

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