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I'm letting go
'Cause I can't take this anymore
Since you broke my heart in two


"There you go, make sure to
support his head properly. They
can't hold them by themselves
yet because they still need to
develop the muscles for that.
A head can be quite heavy for
such a little human."

Jeongin smiled as he handed
tiny Akemi to his mommy,
making sure Jisung was
holding his son properly.

"It's time for his first milk.
Sometimes they need a little
help at first."

The little boy whined softly as
he turned his head, instinctively
searching for the source of milk
although Jisung hadn't even
lifted his shirt up.

"Min, can you help me?"

The brunette asked shyly but
Minho only smiled and pecked
his husband's cheek as he raised
his shirt a little to reveal the
younger's chest.

But instead of starting to drink
like he was supposed to and like
everyone would have expected
(except Jeongin maybe), Akemi

kind of didn't approve of his
mommy's nipple and turned
his head away just to start
crying properly.

"Sweet boy, if you're hungry you
gotta drink some milk, hm?
It's right here, sweetie."

Jeongin tried to persuade the
little baby as he carefully turned
his head back to his mommy's
chest in hope to bring him
back on track like this.

"Is it okay if I just?"

Jisung blushed cutely but the
midwife didn't even notice as he
helped the tiny child start to drink.

Apparently Akemi's sucking reflex
wasn't that great yet just how his
mother's chest wasn't used
to giving milk.

But thankfully Jeongin
was there to help.

"There you go, it's not that difficult,
hm? Such a good boy."

The three adults smiled when
the little boy suckled softly, his
tiny hands curling up on his
mommy's warm chest.

Jisung had to admit that it felt
a little weird and uncomfortable
at first but the relief of someone
finally taking the pressure from
his breast definitely won.

And he could definitely stare at
their son for hours as he drank,
he was really cute.

Akemi took quite a lot after
his daddy, his big feline eyes and
pouty lips were definitely something
he didn't get from Jisung.

But Minho insisted that their son
looked a lot like Jisung, probably
because of his extremely
squishy, chubby cheeks.

"By the way, Sungie?"


"My parents texted me earlier
that they're planning on visiting
us tomorrow morning. Have your
parents replied already?"

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