« 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 »

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I can’t live without you
You’re the only one, even if I die
Even if I’m reborn over and over again,
it’s only you
I want to give only to you
My heart is burning
When I’m thinking of you, my mind is
Like a volcano


"Kitten? Do you have a calendar
in there? Because it's the 17th,
you were supposed to come out
a day before yesterday. Mommy
and daddy are waiting for you, bub."

Minho pouted as he ran his hand
over his husband's baby bump.

Their son had definitely dropped
over the past days and Jisung did
have a few Braxton hicks contractions
here and there but besides that their
tiny kitten didn't make any attempts
to come out any time soon.

"Maybe he's a very smart kitten
and says time is just an illusion."

Jisung giggled as his hand joined
Minho's on his bare belly, tracing
the warm skin with his finger tips.

In all honesty the impatience
was killing him.

He was so nervous,
they were so damn close
to meeting their little kitten.

But nobody knew when Jisung
would actually go into labor.

He just wanted to know when
it'd happened so he could
prepare himself.

Minho sighed softly as he placed
a long kiss on his husband's belly
before he rested his head on it.

"Our kitten is surely a patient one.
Is it just too comfy in there?"

But their son didn't budge,
he was probably already sleeping.

The brunette gently ran his fingers
through the older's black locks but
just when Minho had made himself
comfortable, his eyes closing to
the gentle head pats, Jisung
suddenly needed to pee.

"Sorry, darling. Tell your son to
come out, then we can cuddle
longer than just a few minutes."

The boy waddled away to their
bathroom, leaving a sleepy and
cuddle-deprived Minho behind.

"Your little brother is so stubborn."

He chuckled sleepily as he patted
Doongie's head when the cat climbed
over to him and meowed softly.

The orange cat didn't hesitate one
second to curl up right next to his
owner, purring in content.

But while Minho and Doongie had
a good time cuddling together,
Jisung frowned when he felt the
muscles in his belly tightening
as he washed his hands.

"Hey kitten. Have you decided
to listen to your parents now?"

He winced as he cradled his
aching tummy, hoping to ease
the pain like this that way.

"If you're actually being serious
this time, you better hurry.
Mommy doesn't want to be in
pain for too long, okay?"

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