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The brightness of the sun,
will give me just enough
To bury my love in the Moondust


Beep. Beep. Beep. 

"Mr Lee?"

Minho looked up from his
husband's face he had stared at
the past two hours, his hand
never letting go of Jisung's.


"We'll keep Mr Han-Lee here
for another four nights to
monitor him closely, his body
needs a lot of rest right now.
He overworked himself extremely
and he hasn't been eating well.
It's absolutely dangerous
in his condition. Have you
noticed any abnormalities
in his eating habits?"

"He- he's been sick around two
weeks ago, a stomach bug.
But he has been eating well
since then, we eat together as
much as possible so he definitely
ate normal portions."

"Hm, I see.. But besides that he
didn't have any morning sickness?"

It only took that one innocent
question for Minho's heart
to skip a beat.

"W-what? Morning sickness?"

"Oh, you didn't know?
I'm sorry to ruin the surprise
like this but..

... Mr Han-Lee is pregnant.

And he almost lost the baby last night,
he really needs to take things slow
from now on or else it'll get
dangerous for both of them."

Minho stared at the doctor with
wide eyes, his mouth open and
only two single thoughts running
hand in hand in his mind.

His Sungie and a baby.

His Sungie was having a baby,
their baby.

They had never really talked
about children, Minho had once
brought the topic up during their
honeymoon but his husband had
just kissed him and had told him
that they still had so much time
until they could eventually
have that talk.

After that it never came up again.

Both were busy with their careers,
they were happy with each other
and their three cats.

But now Minho was thirty and it
suddenly wasn't only the two
of them anymore.

If Jisung wanted the baby,
he didn't even know yet that
there was actually someone
growing in his tummy right now.

"Is it possible to move him to a
private room once he's ready to
leave the intensive care unit?"

"Of course, we'll inform you
when he's stable enough
so we can move him.
And just so you know,
the nurse will probably kindly
ask you to leave in half an hour,
the visiting hours are over soon.
You can visit Mr Han-Lee
tomorrow at 8am again."

"O-okay, thank you so much, doctor."

Minho bowed slightly and watched
the doctor leave before he looked
back at his sleeping husband.

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