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The brightness of the sun
Will give me just enough
To bury my love
In the Moondust


Jisung stayed silent
for two whole days.

He barely left their bed and
mostly just slept the time away
with one of their cats snuggled close
to him to keep an eye on him.

Even their furry babies had picked
up on their owner's depressed state
and Minho was glad that his husband
was at least not alone when he had to
work in his office in their apartment.

The morning sickness hadn't left
and in general Jisung was just
feeling exhausted.

All the stress from the failed abortion,
the general pregnancy, the fact that
he wasn't working.

He felt like he was stuck in a situation
he couldn't escape.

But even in those dark days the
blonde still had someone by his
side who'd support him endlessly.


"Min? Can we talk?
A-about the day at the clinic…"

Jisung knew that his husband
wasn't sleeping, it was past midnight
but neither of them could find
inner peace.

The small blonde was cuddled
in the other's embrace, his face
buried in the older's chest and his
arms wrapped around Minho's waist.

"Only if you're ready, my love.
Don't pressure yourself, you're
already feeling sick, you don't have
to put any more stress on yourself."

But Jisung shook his head softly,
he needed to get this off his chest.

And Minho deserved the truth.

"Honesty.. I don't know what
really happened that day.
They gave me the sedative just
how we had discussed the other
day but w-when.. When they
started the examination… "

A single tear slipped down the
boy's chubby cheek and landed
on his husband's shirt, leaving a
dark spot on the gray fabric.

"I just panicked, I couldn't do it..
I really couldn't, Min. I'm sorry."

"Jisungie, please look at me."

Minho gently cupped his husband's
cheek to lift his head a bit so he
could look into the younger's
chocolate eyes.

"There's nothing to be sorry about,
okay? But.. What now? Do you..
Do you want to try again or..
There's also another option."

"You mean adoption?"

The ravenette nodded softly as
he let his thumb wander over his
husband's cheek to wipe a tear away.

Alone the thought of going
through this pregnancy scared
Jisung endlessly.

He worked as a singer and
songwriter, he was a model too.

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